Billy Idol#3 (Requested)

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[This request is from @LexieRose_7040, do forgive me for updating very late. Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoy it!]

Y/n= Your name

Warning: None

"True story." Billy said as he chuckles. The woman, who's the interviewer, slightly giggles. "You're a very funny man, Mr. Idol. You're quite a charmer too." Billy shyly looks down, but grins as he looks up again. "Eh, I'm just me." He said. The interview smiles and ask; "Even so, there's a rumor going on that you're in a relationship with a gorgeous woman who's well respected in the modeling world. A very famous designer to say."

"Yeah?" Billy teases. "True?" She asked, referring to the rumor. Billy bites his bottom lip and nods. "You got me, lovely Y/n, is my girlfriend." His heart began to pace fast and he feels himself becoming a mushy. "I mean you two come from a different industries, how did it all happened?" The interviewer asked. Billy cleared his throat and explain; "Well yeah, we both do like the very opposite thing. You know, she's a designer and I'm a rockstar. Though, I am fan of her clothing designer and she's a fan of my music. We just clicked."

"Now, is it hard for you to see each other often?" "Actually, it isn't. I mean, she's still designs clothes to the models and such. She also designs my clothes whenever I go on tours or do meet and greet with the fans. She's very supportive, overall, she's just a wonderful woman that I'm proud to call her mine." Billy blushed lightly with his last sentence but it was all true. He indeed was proud to have a woman like yourself on his side.

"That is the most romantic thing I have ever heard and Miss Y/n, you are a lucky woman. Ladies and gentleman, Billy Idol!" That's when the interview was over and Billy couldn't wait to come back home and receive your kisses and maybe a few tears from you too.

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