Sid Vicious#2

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{Imagine confronting Sid, your ex boyfriend, and the other guys watching the scene unfold.}

Y/n= Your name

Warning: Alcohol Use, Swearing, Harassment and Physical Abuse 

You were laughing and drinking with Jonesy and Paul. Suddenly, the three of you hear a loud commotion outside the studio room. The door was slammed opened and had a furious look on his face. You couldn't lie but got a bit scared by that. Sid stomped his way towards you and grabbed your wrist rather harshly. "What the fuck, Sid?!" You exclaimed. "Hey mate, let her go. What the fuck is yer problem?!" Jonesy shouted. He managed to break Sid's gripped from you and pushed you to stay behind him.

You hissed and rub your bruised wrist. "My problem? It's her I have a problem with. Can't even leave her alone without leaving the apartment and goes to wherever the fuck she goes!" He ranted. Paul gave him a confused look on his face and took a sip from the the whiskey bottle. "Didn't you two broke up or wot?" Paul asked. Slightly chuckling from the situation. You looked at him and rolled your eyes and say; "Yes, I broke up with him. Seems like he doesn't understand that."

Sid sucked his teeth and tried pushing Jonesy aside. Which he didn't budged one bit. Instead, he chuckles and puts his both hands on Sid's chest. "Okay mate, leave. She dumped you, move on." He calmly stated. "I don't have all day, Y/n. Let's go, now." "Piss off, Sid. I'm tired of your shit. Go fuck yourself!" You spat. Sid runs a hand on his hair, out of nowhere, he grabs the bottle of whiskey from Paul and slammed it down to the ground.

Causing you to screamed and the others cursing loudly from his sudden rage. "I'm not fucking playing games with you, Y/n. Get your fucking arse back to the apartment or else-" "Or what?!" You yelled back at him. Getting closer to his face, your chest touching his at this point. "You think I'm scared of you. What makes you think I'm ever going back to the shithole apartment? You must be fucking insane if you think I'm ever going back to you, Sid!"

Sid didn't respond back, instead, he was breathing hard. Clenching his fists and feeling completely heated. "I'm done with your shit, I'm done with the same shit that goes over, over, and over again. I don't need this, I don't need you!" This made the other boys watched an amusement and shocked. They never thought you would ever stand up against him. Which they meant no insult. "And if you don't understand with words, this will." You slapped him so hard that the ring you were wearing, slightly cut his right cheek.

He hold his cheek and looked at you pissed. No one said anything, not even Sid. Instead, Sid looks at the guys, then you again. He huffed and walked away from the scene. You sigh in relief and Jonesy patted your back. "You did great, kiddo." Paul nodded and hug you sideways. "That was fucking amazing, we're proud of you. Even Johnny wouldn't believe this!" "I won't believe what?!" The three of you looked at the doorway and it was Johnny. "I was heading here when I see a rather displeased Sid walking out with a cut on his cheek. Anyone care to explain?"

Jonesy chuckled and walked towards him to wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "You might want to sit down and get your cup of tea because this shit was fucking mental!"

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