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   Tae you are spacing out a lot these days", Jimin looked at him worried. " Is everything okay with you?"

He was worried, the other could see that and he was cursing himself for being so obvious.

But Jimin was not the only one who noticed this. " He is right though", Namjoon said, looking at the boy with equal worry. " Are you really fine? Is everything alright with Jungkook?"

Tae forced out a chuckle, trying to mask his panic. " Stop it guys", he forced out a smile which wasn't really convincing to his childhood best friends. " I'm trying to come up with an interesting topic for the monthly special", he lied through his smile hoping that would shut them.

And as expected, sighs of relief were out of his friends. 

" Thank God", Jimin mumbled, clasping his chest. " For a moment I thought that something was seriously wrong!"

Tae chuckled, shaking his head. " It's just the newspaper issues", he tried to sound cherry, not wanting to get caught again because if he messed up this time as well, he doesn't know if there is any way out other than coming clean.

" What else is seriously wrong?" he smiled, except it was a sad smile this time.

Because everything is seriously wrong now and he doesn't know how he should approach this.

Jungkook, his boyfriend of three years, who had promised to be with him forever and beyond has taken interest in someone else that's not him.

And that's the issue which has been crushing him down for two weeks. And he doesn't even know if. He has the right to be angry because he too thinks that he doesn't really deserve Jungkook.

It was Iseul, Jungkook's new project partner who has taken away the sleep and peace from his boyfriend's Life and eventually made the younger to hate himself for not being enough for his boyfriend.

Jungkook and Iseul have been partnered up for an important project by their department head and ever since then they have been working on it diligently.

Tae is okay with Jungkook getting such greater opportunities because his boyfriend deserves it all, but the fact that is making him worried and annoyed all the time is that his boyfriend is spending the whole day alone with that girl who seems to have a crush on him.

The project, as already said, is very much important to the department. And as a result, inorder not to hinder the progress the department has given them the permission to skip the classes to work on it. So that's the reason why Jungkook is always with the girl and he stays up with her together to continue with even after the school hours.

Tae would have been okay even, and would have been proud of his boyfriend for being so dedicated if  it wasn't for the way he acts with the girl who has turned out to be the one the brunette hates the most right now.

And Tae was completely okay with having to get the opportunity to be in his boyfriend's arms only at night, when the ravenette would crawl into the bed and hug him closer to fall asleep the next second, if he hasn't seen the way his boyfriend looks at his project partner.

And that sight crushed him more than he ever imagined. Yeah, Tae was really insecure about their relationship, waiting for the ravenette to lose his interest in him and find someone who deserves him. Because he thought that they are not compatible.

Okay, Kim Taehyung is the top student in every class he has been in, gathering all trophies and praises since middle school. But he was always known as the introverted nerd who wouldn't fit in with the popular sects.

But Jungkook was exactly opposite to h, always surrounded by popular kids and followers which were too many.

So it would be only understandable if Jungkook decided to break up with him one day and found a more suitable partner.

And even though he has been praying to all gods that he knows that it's not going to happen, it seems like the time has come. And for the first time after three years of being with him he saw his boyfriend looking at someone with that fond smile of his, in a way he has looked at no one else than his boyfriend. And it was not a pretty sight for the brunette, who felt as if the world was slipping away from his feet.

No, he wasn't really stalking his boyfriend when he knew that he was meeting with her. But after seeing how much time he was spending with her, and how distant he was with him, Tae couldn't help but get curious.

And with a mix of curiosity and nervousness stirring inside him, he walked into the unfamiliar cafe wondering why Jungkook chose to come here when there were a lot of familiar places to go to.

Or was he trying to avoid seeing people who know that he is in a relationship, so that they wouldn't rat him out to his potential future girlfriend. Or does she know about him but still trying to get along with him in hopes of seducing him.

Anyway, Tae spent only five minutes in the cafe while the classmate he dragged along for coming up with an excuse, went to get their order.

But by the time the boy came back with the coffees and honey cake Tae said he wanted to try, the brunette was nowhere to be seen. Because he couldn't sit there still and watch his own boyfriend being happy around someone else.

Because he doesn't know how it is possible, because if you ask him the only person who would be able to make him smile so wide would be Jungkook. But why is he being all smiley and sweet around her?

And he has also seen the way he acts like a gentleman around her, getting her their order, passing her tissues and opening for her the door when they come in, no Tae couldn't stand the sight of it.

Why is he treating her like his future wife? Or is he going to make her that?

Great! At least his homophobic parents who couldn't accept the brunette even after three years would be the happiest, he scoffed at the thought completely forgetting he was with his friends who had been watching emotions flickering in his face with a frown latched on them.

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