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    Tae grit his teeth tightly as he looked at the pictures Jihoon has sent him today, and he doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad about it.

     Because in all the pictures, Jungkook could be seen smiling so brightly at the girl and doing the work enthusiastically,and nothing more and nothing less.

   Tae was unhappy to see the pictures because he wasn't happy with the smile that his boyfriend was sending on her way.

   He was also informed about their routine which was meeting up in the cage, spending all the time there before parting in the evening. Nothing more, and Tae was happy with it because at least Jungkook is not going anything else behind his back

   But he was disappointed also because he was hoping to get some unexpected evidence against him when he hired Jihoon to spy on his boyfriend who was spending too much time with his project partner.

  But it seems like this was all he gets. But what if Jihoon is telling lies? Is he telling him the complete truth? But he wouldn't dare Because it's his dream post at stake.

   No, it's not like he is expecting Jungkook to cheat on him, he knows that the boy is not someone who would stoop so low. But he was a mess and so was his mind and he was not sure what he was looking for when he entrusted Jihoon with that task which he could never do himself.

    He knew that he was not doing the right thing by doing something like this, misusing his power as the chief editor of their University student newspaper by asking Jihoon to spy on his own boyfriend and his project partner when he should be selecting someone fairly.

    But he couldn't help it, he is desperate to know what is happening around him and he is not strong enough to do it on his own. Because he was sure that he wouldn't be able to withstand the sight of his boyfriend being happy around someone else.

  The brunette felt like his head was spinning, so he instantly sat down on the couch clutching his aching head and leaning forward resting his elbows on the wobbling knees.

   What is he supposed to do now? Confront Jungkook and ask him what is this all about? But then what? What if the answer he is going to get is something he could never tolerate? What if he is giving him an opportunity for the ravenette to come clean and break up with him?

    No, no, Tae shakes his head furiously sitting up straight, his eyes welling up with tears at the mere thought of losing the older. 

    No, he could never let go of the ravenette who is the only reason that he is breathing now. He could never imagine a life without him and the thought of the older boy leaving him for someone new was never something he could accept or live with.

     No, he is not going to confront him, at least not anytime soon. He's going to fight for his love without directly asking him the questions that have been flogging his mind and senses. Maybe he would be able to win him back, and then the question of break up would be out of the frame.

    He sighed heavily, the photographs clutched in his hand catching his attention. But what should he do about Jihoon? Should he ask him to stop spying on them? 

    After all, there is nothing too much alarming in these pictures except the million dollar smile his boyfriend is flashing at the girl. 

    Tae shakes his head, no he would be restless if he is to be in the dark. Maybe he should ask Jihoon to continue, and maybe these photographs which he detest with everything he has would answer the queries and puzzles of where his life is leading to.

     It's not like he doesn't trust the ravenette to stay loyal to him at least with his body, because it's already evident that his heart is betraying his long time boyfriend. But he doesn't trust Iseul. What if she is planning something that the brunette could ever tolerate?

    He takes a deep breath, fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. 

    How long is he going to live like this? Hiding his tears and sorrows from his boyfriend and trying to keep the sleepless nights he has from him. 

     It's tiring him out, and crushing him down but he is not brave enough to voice it out either. It's not like that he is unlikeable, because he is very much adored by everyone around him but with the resentment towards him by the ravenette's parents has had a great impact on him and the harsh words that he has to hear from time to time from people also was not helping him to stay on his ground.

     But sadly, the ravenette seems to be completely unaware of what his boyfriend is going through and with no one to actually understand him and see how much he is faking to survive each day, he was suffocating himself in self pity and anxieties, rising up and caving him in.

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