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     Jungkook doesn't know what it is to be in Tae's shoes. Because unlike his, Tae's parents accepted them at the beginning itself without unwanted dramas and emotional blackmails. 

     But unfortunately they were gone a few weeks after the ravenette had asked them for the permission for courting their son.

     The couple had just smiled at him, with no hint of surprise or shock. And they told him that they knew all along that both of them are going to end up together. Tae only came to know about it after their death.

     So he doesn't know what it is to be the rejected one. But he was not ready to let Tae feel it even though his parents protested strongly against the relationship. And that's the reason why Jungkook left his home with Tae. 

    And he's not going to go back either. He'll rather build his own career without anyone meddling in his business. And that's the reason why he was so invested in this project. Because it is a key to new opportunities which may help him to reach high.

     But he has no idea that in the midst of this he was hurting his boyfriend. And he has no idea about the insecurities and fears that his boyfriend did a great job in hiding from him.

    He had told him a million times to not to care about what his shitty parents think. After all, they shouldn't care about the happiness of those who don't care about him. But it seems Tae was not ready to let it go. 

    After all, he has grown to love them like his own parents and the brunette it seems like hasn't been able to accept the rejection from the people who have been a family to him for almost twelve years.

      And Jungkook doesn't want him to be stuck there, picturing them as the perfect parents they pretended to be, not after they had revealed their true colors in the worst possible way, by threatening Tae to stay away from their son when the boy was barely coming out of the shock of losing his parents.

    But why do people care about those people who have made it clear that they are not capable of placing someone else's welfare above themselves?

    And why would Tae even think that Jungkook would be happy with him leaving his side?

    He glanced at his boyfriend who was fidgeting with his fingers sitting on the opposite couch.

He smiled softly. " Were you really going to sacrifice your happiness for me, when you are the only one who could make me happy?" he chuckled, his tone teasing and the brunette who looks back at him couldn't help but glare but deep inside he was giddy for once again being able to be the one at the receiving end of the older's affection.

He shakes his head, looking away. " I thought I don't deserve you..", he mumbled.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows, smile fading away. " And someone else deserves me?"

Tae looked down at the floor,not daring to meet the sharp glare fixed on him. " I thought that you are too good to me", he said softly even when knowing this is only going to infuriate the older.

" You are the epitome of perfection...you are like a dream to many...", He managed to stutter out, suddenly feeling his own words stuck in his throat.

And Jungkook stood up from his seat, walking to him. He was not happy about the situation but there is no use in getting mad or scolding him.

He crouched down in front of the brunette, placing his hands on the younger's lap, intertwining their fingers.

" Tae..", he called out softly. "  Please for god's sake stop treating me as a god or something. We are both incredible in our ways. And I admire you and look up to you just as you do to me. And I need you with me forever as much as you need me, or probably even more...", He breathed out, clutching on the other's dainty fingers.

Tae looked up, a hint of surprise flickering in his eyes. And Jungkook continued.

" I didn't confess to you out of sympathy or pity, I did because I was madly in love with you, baby. I kneel down for you because I couldn't ever imagine my life without you. I decided to take that big step because you mean the world to me and I would be damned if you were taken away by someone else..."

Tae gulped, his face displaying the shock at the words that he heard.

And the ravenette stood up, taking a seat beside him, all the while not leaving his fingers. " And you don't have a slight idea of the horror I went through in those hours after you walked out of the apartment after blurting out those most painful words. I thought my heart stopped beating and I was completely breaking down at the thought of not having you in my life anymore.

So as much as I love myself, I love you more than anything and anyone and I don't know but I will die for you rather than doing something that could hurt you.."

Tae bites his lips harshly, the guilty feeling flooding up his senses.

" Kook..", he mumbled softly, turning to face him.

    But he was cut off by a pair of warm lips pressing his, making him shudder at the sudden contact. And the fact it's been happening after a long time, was making him quite fidgety. 

    But before he could back off, the other was quick to grab his nape and pull him closer, deepening the kiss.

    The brunette wasn't really sure if he should let the other carry on, and Jungkook knew that the other wasn't into it. So he just rubbed his nape trying to make him relax and soon the brunette gave in kissing back. And they softly move their lips in sync, not intending to go further.

    Jungkook takes his hands from his nape, bringing it to the younger's face, caressing his cheeks softly. And Tae closed his eyes, trying to continue but Jungkook broke off the kiss with a sweet smile.

     He pecks his lips once more before cupping his face in his palms as he softly smiles at him, making the other calm down slightly.

" I love you, okay?" The ravenette breathed out, caressing the soft brown locks of his boyfriend, who only nodded his head in response. And Jungkook sighed realizing that the boy was still upset about what he had done.

He smiled softly, wanting to cheer him up.

 " Look at you trying to sacrifice your happiness for me, as if I want you to do that", he chuckled softly, caressing the soft cheeks of his boyfriend who pouted. " As if you can live without me.."

Tae looked up, raising his brow challengingly. " Are you saying that I wouldn't be able to live without you?" he asked, slightly amused.

The ravenette chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. " I said no such thing", he shakes his head, wrapping his arms around the other pulling him closer. " But I don't want you to live without me.. and I wouldn't be able to live with you, not by my side.."

Tae smiled softly, nodding his head. And that's when another thought hit him.

 " But seriously, what were you guys talking about that you were smiling at her like that?"

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