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   Tae was walking towards his office in hope of taking a nap there. He was tired, both mentally and physically. He rubs his temple softly trying to soothe the aching pain.

   He smiled sadly wondering what was happening back in the apartment. Is Jungkook happy or sad because of the break up? 

   But before he could reach his destination someone stepped in front of him, blocking his way. 

    Tae looked at the unexpected guest a bit surprised and alarmed. It was Jihoon who held up a file in front of him gesturing to the brunette to take it.

   Tae looked at him skeptically, not understanding what was happening. He looked down at the brown file suspiciously wondering why the younger one was giving it to him.

" What's this?", he asked, accepting the brown cover which seems similar to the many he has already gotten from the lad while he was asked to spy on him.

Jihoon shrugged. " Several photographs of your boyfriend which I took from the month you were away", he said. And Tae glared at him.

" I already appointed you in the post as per the promise" he gritted out.

" Jihoon, you only need to do what I asked you to do! And I remember telling you to stop with the spying one month ago..", Tae added, trying to suppress the irritation and shock bubbling up.

He sounds bitter and harsh but he didn't care. He's already in a bad mood and who asked this idiot to come before him with such a thing.

Tae sighed eyeing the file suspiciously, confused with the other. But Jihoon continued not caring about anything else.

" I don't know what will happen to me after this' ' the usual chirpiness and pout was nowhere to be seen and the brunette didn't know whether to be relieved or tense because some changes wouldn't let us calm down but rile us up.

" You need to see what you should do," he said. " So I took them because it didn't feel right to stop midway when I haven't shown you the full story", the lad mumbled, his voice thick and serious. " Go through this for once…and tell him that I apologized for everything.."

    Tae nodded before accepting the file, letting out a sigh when the younger gave him a tight lipped smile and walked away.

    He looked around wondering if someone has heard their conversation because it won't be good to let everyone know how the righteous and just Kim Taehyung has asked a potential candidate for the one of the most sought after post in the school newspaper to bribe him with the stolen photographs of his three year's boyfriend just to prove that he's cheating on him do that he would get a reason to break up with him.

    Feeling annoyance bubbling up in his mind to have such an unexpected turn to come his way  when he thought he is finally away from all the anxious feelings and worries, he walked to the corner of the room so that he could look at what's in it freely without anyone getting a chance to know how pathetic he is.

   He opened the cover and let his hands wander inside and he could tell by what he felt, that's there are only less than twenty pictures that's inside.

    He squinted his eyes in confusion, that's the only ones he got in these two months?

   Whatever! Shrugging his shoulders and telling himself that he's not going to get affected with whatever that he's going to witness, he pulled out the photos slowly.

    His heart was beating like crazy and he was getting scared that it's a heart attack. Or maybe after seeing the ones in his hand he's really going to get one.

    With a trembling heart, he looked down on the stack of photos in his hand. And the pictures he saw were not something that he expected to see.

He wasn't sure whether he should be happy or concerned.

    One by one, he started looking through the pictures, his heart shattering at what he saw. No, he was crying already not being able to believe what an idiot he was.

    Because all the pictures that he saw till then was from the same cafe, Jungkook with her but still they were the opposite of the set of photos he used to get daily two months ago before he got fed up and flew to London after telling Jihoon to stop spying on him. Because with him not around, he was not ready to hear what Jungkook has been up to.

    The photos that he was rummaging through contain only one thing, a gloomy ravenette. Gone was the twinkle in his eyes, which were nothing but lifeless and dead. 

    He appears to be sad and distant in all of the pictures as if he doesn't even want to be here in the first place.

Sadness, dullness was the only thing he could see in his face. And never in those photos did he see his precious smile which had disappeared the moment he broke up.

Tae sighs, gulping down the lump in his throat. And with his heart breaking in, while trying to hold back the tears he brought out the last photo. But unlike the other ones, it wasn't in the cafe but Jungkook was standing in the school reception, his eyes fixed on the calendar in the wall as if he was trying to see how much time would be there until Tae came back.

The brunette froze instantly, the thought hitting him. All these times when he was away trying to create distance between them so that he could break up with the ravenette without breaking his own heart, the boy was waiting for him patiently. He was waiting for him to come back home.

He didn't reply to his message, he never called him. He completely estranged himself from the older boy but he was waiting for him. 

But what does that mean? Why would he look gloomy and upset when he could be around her? Why is he bothered by his absence and waiting for him? Why was he spamming him with calls and messages when the younger wouldn't even take a look at him.

Tae shakes his head, stumbling back into the wall, the realization hitting him Hard. And the photos slipped from his hands.

 No, he mumbled, no, this can't be happening. But at the same time how much fucked up this would make him a hope was surging up in his heart.

Please tell me that I made a mistake.

   And before he knew it he was crouching down on the floor trying to gather the photos that had slipped from his hand.

    And he walked with unsteady steps as he tried to put them in the cover, hoping that he's not too late.

    And before he knew it he was running down the stairs to the parking lot, hoping to reach back as soon as possible.

He parked the car in the parking lot.

    And without even waiting for the lift, he was running up the stairs, his heart beating crazy.

   Tae bursted in through the open door and ran into their room only to see his ex boyfriend seated on the couch in the same way Tae left him as, his fingers clutching around the photos his boyfriend presented as the evidence of betrayal and dishonesty. And Tae's heart dropped at the sight.


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