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    Jungkook smiled at Iseul as he walked to their table, placing their order on the table and pushing hers towards her. 

     But he was somewhat puzzled by seeing the uneasiness coated in her face, as if she was waiting for him to tell him something important.

" What's wrong?" he asked as he pulled the chair back, ready to sit down but before he could she spoke. " Your boyfriend called and I took the call because you were away..", she said, a sigh leaving her. " And he didn't seem to be in a good mood and asked you to go back to the apartment Instantly.

Jungkook stared at her for a while, the words sinking in. " I didn't remember you giving permission to touch my mobile phone", he mumbled. " Well, then I'll go and see what's about", he said standing up.

 " After all he wouldn't call me if it nothing important", with that said, he gathered around his things into his bag and walked out before she could even protest.

" Jungkook, but the deadline", he called after him not wanting to let the boy just discard the project like that, or maybe there are other reasons.

   And the ravenette didn't even look back when he clearly heard her. He opened the door and walked out immediately, fishing out his keys from the pocket.

    He tried to call back his boyfriend many times while he was driving back to the apartment building but it all went unanswered making him uneasy. 

    But he was surprised to see the boy calmly walking around the room taking his clothes from the shelf and putting them in the bed as if he hadn't just asked him to come back for something important.

But as soon as he saw the suitcase where the boy was filling up his clothes and accessories, he was shocked because he had no clue what's going on.

" What's going on?" He asked, slightly upset not understanding what was happening.

Tae looked at him, with a frown. " I'm going to London to attend an internship program", he said, shrugging.

Jungkook tried not to show his displeasure. " When?" he asked calmly.

" Tomorrow morning", the answer was quick and Jungkook felt an unprecedented surge of restlessness.

" And you are telling me now?" he asked, his voice giving away what he felt. 

Tae looked up at him. " I have got to know this morning", he shrugged. " Jihyo was the one supposed to go but since she had something urgent come up, I'm going", he said, as he moved back to the shelf again, looking for things that might be useful for him when he is abroad.

    Jungkook kept quite taking a seat in the bed as he watched him carefully arranging the suitcase. And despite feeling the urge to do that for him like he always did, the bitterness he was feeling at the unexpected situation was making him stay still.

     But what he didn't know was that his boyfriend who was expecting him to jump into the action and insist on doing the packing for him was disappointed with the long silence he has been receiving after the answer.

    And shaking his head, and remembering why he had even been going there in the first place, he decided not to comment on it. But he was actually feeling hurt seeing the behavior of the elder who doesn't even like him doing anything in their dorm.

" So you called me to tell me about your departure?" Jungkook asked, finally breaking the awkward silence. And Tae nodded his head.

" You could have just informed me over the phone then", the ravenette couldn't help but be bitter not liking how Tae is acting right now.

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