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" Hyung, " Jihoon whined. " Are you even hearing what I'm saying?"

Tae looked at him with a glare and if looks could have killed, the boy would have already died.

" What now?" he asked irritatedly. " I'm listening!"

" No you are not", the boy mumbled with a pout. " You are spacing out again".

And Tae wants to just smack himself now hearing the same words again for the nth time on the same day. And he has been hearing the same from a lot of people for the last one week, except from the ravenette who has no idea of what is happening in his boyfriend's Life.

" No, I'm not", he tried to protest. " Just tell me what you want!"

Jihoon chuckled softly. " I already did", he said.

And Tae could see the wicked smirk that's plastered on the younger lips. This boy surely knows how to test his nerves.

" What?" he asked, before thinking. " Okay, I want to hear it once more," he said, trying to play it cool.

" It's not my fault that you were zoning out. " He accused the other of making him agitated.

" I'm not spacing out", he nearly yelled, making the other flinch.

" Of course", he murmured but decided to let it slip. " Please let me be the new photographer for the newspaper", he pouted, making the other raise a brow.

And he sighed remembering that part which had slipped out of his head. It's been a week since the old one for their student newspaper resigned because of some personal issues that they are not aware of. So they were in need of a new one. But before he could even announce the vacancy Jihoon, who is the cousin of a friend he told about the vacancy, has been on his tail asking him to appoint him instead of trying to find one from a number of students who might be interested.

And it's not that Tae was going to play nepotism and give the post to the younger one who he hasn't even seen before this ordeal , but he was too busy to inform about the issue to their designing team who is in charge of making the posters. And Jihoon has been after him for the past week asking him to choose him without an interview because he is the best one out there but he is not confident enough to win the interview.

Tae was honestly irritated, because he wasn't even going to conduct an interview in the first place. He would have only asked them to submit a number of works and he could choose the perfect one for work. But Jihoon is not letting him even do that.

" If you are the best out of there, " he shakes his head. " Then why can't you just let me be fair?"

Jihoon shakes his head. " Hyung, why are you even troubling yourself with this extra work, when you could just go home and relax with your boyfriend?"

Tae wants to scoff, that's the exact reason why he is indulging himself in this extra work when he could have just entrusted his assistant to do that. 

But even if he decides to go home there is no one to welcome there because he is busy somewhere else catering to the needs of his future wife.

" You know I'm an expert at taking pictures without anyone even noticing", the boy was rambling after putting all the unwanted thoughts in his head.

Tae scoffs. " Hey, mister", he shakes his head. " Sorry to inform you but I'm looking for the photographer for our student newspaper and not for an underground secret agency..", he huffed.

" But hyung", the boy was whining again and Tae was sure that if this continues any longer he's going to kill him. " Isn't it really interesting to get photos of events and activities from an angle ignored by everyone else?" he asked excitedly.

The older tilted his head in confusion. Does that even make sense?

But contrary to the irritated expression that was gracing his face, the younger was beaming as if he was offering something extraordinary, and of course the offer is surely something extraordinary and Tae didn't know what he was supposed to do with the information.

He looked at him pointedly, trying to mask the annoyance surging. " So how are you so sure about that?" he raises his brow, wanting to know the story.

The boy chuckled leaning forward, " Oh that", he laughed going to continue but stopped instead, giving him an awkward smile. " Oh that I can't tell you.."

Tae looked at him, horrified, not even wanting to know what the boy had even done. " Just tell me what it is", he pestered. " I'm not going to hire someone who would taint our reputation.

Jihoon pouted, slowly. " It's..", he trailed off, looking at him pleadingly but the other only gave him a stern gaze. And the boy was left with no option other than to be honest with him.

" Well, I caught my neighbor having an affair behind his wife's back, took their photos and sent that to his wife", he said, begrudgingly. " But please don't say this to anyone..I don't want my cousin to know he would surely tell that to my parents", he said, trying to coax the older.

But he was somewhat puzzled by seeing the way the older was looking at him right, a thoughtful expression on his face.

" So you are good at taking photos without anyone knowing?" he asked, a bit skeptical. " Are you sure that you won't get caught?"

Jihoon grinned, seeing where this was going. " I'm sure", he assured. " I've never been caught", he smiled which only earned him a glare from the other. And he couldn't even understand what had caused the unexpected change in the latter's stance. Whatever it is, it's okay as long as he gets the post.

" Okay", Tae spoke up after a few minutes. " I'll give you the job", he said, making the other jump up from his seat to do a victory dance but he was cut off by clearing his throat.

" But you have to do something for me.."

Jihoon looked back at him, an uneasy feeling settling in his mind. " What?"

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