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Jungkook...", Tae mumbled, his voice trembling and the boy looked up, his eyes red and gloomy but if it's his imagination or something else he saw them lightening up for a second before they became cold, a piercing gaze fixed on the nervous brunette.

" Why are you here?" The ravenette asked, his voice hoarse and groggy and it was sure that he was crying already and Tae wanted to kill himself for making him cry.

Tae felt a pang in his heart as soon as the tear stains on his cheeks came into his notice.

" I'm sorry", he mumbled softly. " I don't know what came over me", he sniffled, tears running down his cheeks. " I was feeling threatened when she came along and you want to spend all your time with her ignoring me..", he paused, unable to continue, and soon only sobs could be leaving his mouth.

" Come here!" 

Tae looked up surprised by the command but he didn't budge from his spot. " I'm sorry that I was suspecting you.."

" Kim Taehyung! Come here!" He was cut off by the loud talk of the ravenette who was not seemingly happy with the apology from his boyfriend who had just admitted hours ago that he didn't trust him at all after all the affection he was showering him with.

Tae didn't hesitate this time, so with trembling steps he walked over to the boy, only to be pulled into his lap as soon as he neared him.

Jungkook threw the photographs away without bothering about them and wrapped his arms around his crying boyfriend, pulling him closer to his chest as he leaned back.

" Kook, I'm sorry", the brunette was not going to stop crying anytime sooner and it was worrying the older.

" Sshh....", He tried to coax him. " Don't cry baby", he patted his back softly cradling him in his arms. " I'm not mad at you for pulling such a stunt", he chuckled softly. " Who knows my adorable baby would be capable of doing things like that?" 

Tae didn't respond, he was only thanking heavens for letting him back in this strong arms which would always be his safe place.

" Look at you", the ravenette smiled. " All soft and putty in my arms", he cooed when the other glared at him. " What would you even do without me? Hm?"

Tae scoffs trying to pull away, but the older wouldn't let him. Because even if he was trying to act okay with the boy to not make him feel bad, he could never overcome the horror he was going through for hours, realizing that he is losing him forever.

No, leave Tae, what would he have done if he had lost him forever? No, Jungkook doesn't even want to think about it! And he wasn't as selfless as the younger one to let go of his lover inorder to make him happy. He would rather clutch on to him tighter so that he wouldn't be able to leave him.

" Were you really going to leave me?" he asked after a while but Tae's silence was enough to tell him the answer.

" Tae, " he softened his tone as he looked down at his baby. " You are all that I will ever need, okay?" 

Tae hummed softly, not looking up. And Jungkook was not having it. " Are you really going to keep quiet now? " He asked. " I'm seeing you after months and you have the audacity.." but he was cut off by the sound of snores coming from the younger.

" To sleep?"

Jungkook chuckled, standing up from the couch, as carried the younger one in his arms to the bed and slowly laid him down.

And after adjusting the pillows under his head carefully and covering him in blankets he sat down beside him, a smile adorning his lips.

" You are really going to sleep?" he whined, shaking his head.

" Okay", Jungkook stood up from the bed to walk around it to the other side. And trying not to disturb the younger he climbed into the bed and got under the cover and once he settled himself beside the younger and made himself comfortable, he snaked his arms around the brunette and pulled him to his chest slowly.

Still in sleep Tae turned to the other, suddenly making the other jump and before he knew it he had his arms circling around the older's torso and a head pressing into his chest.

Jungkook smiled happily, letting out a sigh of relief. Finally he could breathe properly without worrying about being away from his sweet baby.

He leaned down and pecked the younger's eyelashes before giving another on his forehead.

" I love you baby, always will", be said, softly. " Now sleep tight.."

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