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Jungkook smiled softly. " About you.."

" Sorry?" Tae looked at him with a frown, not liking how it is turning out to be.

Jungkook sighed, already understanding what the other was thinking. But as much as he knows that it would hurt the boy, he can't just keep it to himself. 

" Actually, Iseul was going through an emotional turmoil when we started the project, she was somewhat feeling that she is into girls and it was not something she is ready to accept and I was the only person who she has told this to..", he said quietly and Tae only rolled his eyes not ready to believe whatever bullshit that girl was made Jungkook to believe.

" And then she started asking about my relationship with you, wanting to know how it's to be in a relationship with a boy," Jungkook smiled. " I was not ready to share it first because talking about things outside the project would delay our completion of the task. But then I thought that if my little help would be useful for someone who is struggling to figure out their sexuality it's a good thing, right?"

" So you were trying to help her to understand if she was into girls instead of doing the project?" Tae was fuming at his boyfriend seemingly disregarded everything else being said.

     But you can't blame him, all the times he has been beating himself up without having Jungkook around, he was still hoping that at least the boy is not trying to keep himself away but it's only because of the project. But it seems like it's not the case.

Jungkook looked at him with a sigh. " Tae," he called him softly. " It's not like what you are thinking, I know that it's not an option to delay the project completion to help her out, so I started talking about us whenever we had to take a small break from the project. She was too curious about our relationship and wanted to meet you one day and I even promised that I would let her meet you after the project is done.."

    Tae bit her lips realizing that he was acting on impulse without knowing the full story. But he was sure that he was not entirely wrong about acting like that. But he chose to keep it to himself until he is sure that it's not just another baseless assumption that is brewing up in his head. 

     It's not like he doesn't trust Jungkook, but he simply couldn't trust his words which he got from the girl. And Tae has absolutely no reason to believe that girl who had caused him enough misery.

" So why were you smiling like that at her?" he asked carefully, with a hint of fear lingering in his eyes because he doesn't know if Jungkook would get angry if he keeps on asking the same thing.

    But the ravenette only has a smile blooming on his face, the one which used to direct at only him until Iseul came all along.

" You know that answer already, baby", he smiled at him. " I may be smiling at her..", he said. " But it was because of you.."

    And the brunette was speechless not knowing how to respond to that. He knows that he had no option other than to believe it.

    But Tae is not someone who will believe anything easily even if he is in love with the person in front of him. He may not have bought it if he hasn't seen the last set of photos that Jihoon has given him. Because that photo itself was the answers to all his queries, insecurities and they were like the hands which wiped away his broken tears.

   He trusts Jungkook, he knows that. But he's not going to sit down and not tell him what he has been feeling now. Because it was the lack of communication regarding such sensitive topics which drew them apart, at least made Tae to distance himself from his boyfriend.

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