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     Jeon Jungkook was a day dream for all those who come across the strikingly attractive male with extremely good manners. 

     And it goes the same for Taehyung too. But while it remains only a dream for the rest, the brunette happened to be lucky, that his dream of being the one for Jungkook came true at the most unexpected time, just a few weeks after he had lost everything, his parents.

     He was at first scared that it was just pity for him that made the boy propose to him like that but the ravenette was quick to assure him that it's not the case. And he really loves the boy more than anything else.

     Tae was not surely convinced because the circumstances were so conflicting but he was not ready to let go of the opportunity to be his either.

      Because he has been in love with him even before the older boy came to know of his existence. So he accepted that confession with a heavy heart hoping his fears were never going to come true.

    The ravenette was a dream for many, but the brunette was the only one who is living the dream chased by many, engulfed in the warmth and comfort of the relationship which has been the best thing ever happened to him.

     And he has often wondered what would have happened if someone else was in his place, living the dream he is currently leading on. Could he have endured it after being in love with Jungkook for a long time? 

     What could have happened to his lovesick soul if Jungkook hadn't decided to kneel down in front of him and asked him to be his boyfriend three years ago?

    Countless questions were swirling around in his head and he didn't even want to think about all the negatives but unfortunately that has been what he has been doing all these years. 

     And he doesn't know what the ravenette would say when he comes to know this side of him he was successfully hiding from the boy.

     Would he be disappointed with Tae that he couldn't find himself to trust the love the ravenette has been showering him with since day one? Or would he be sad that he couldn't erase these unwanted thoughts from his mind?

    Tae shuddered at the thought, sliding along the wall and sitting down finally, bringing his knees up to his chest clutching them tightly as he closed his eyes tightly. 

     The room was dark with the only light coming from the one bulb in his vanity mirror, and Tae was scared to see himself in the mirror, because he didn't want to acknowledge how broken he was now.

   It's okay, he tries to coax himself like he always does. Try to live in the present without bothering about the future, at least these three years have given him enough memories that would keep him alive as long as he lives.

    He put back the photos in the brown cover Jihoon had sent them in and placed them in his own cupboard under his clothes hoping Jungkook wouldn't notice them. And why would he when he doesn't even have the time to be with his boyfriend.

    Letting out another sigh, Tae closed the cupboard and walked to the bed slowly climbing in and lying down.

    Hours passed away as he laid there, hot tears kept running down his cheeks soaking his pillow. And he had no idea how much longer he was lying like that , he heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps approaching.

" Baby..", he could hear the tired voice of his boyfriend calling out to him. But he only shut his eyes and pretended to sleep, thanking god he has been lying on his side and facing away from the bed.

" Baby, are you sleeping already?" He could clearly notice that tiredness in the ravenette's groggy voice but he ignored it and forced himself to not feel bad like he used to do in the last week before he stopped caring after realizing how much of a fool he was.

    And soon he felt the bed dipping and an arm snaking around his thin waist pulling him to a hard chest making him gulp but he still managed to keep his beats steady not giving away his acting.

    Silence engulfed them and after a few minutes when Tae realized that he was spacing out again, he squirmed in the other's hold and turned around to face him only to see him deep asleep.

   Tae traced his boyfriend's soft features with his eyes, his eyes brimming up with more tears.

God, what's he even doing.

    Should he confront Jungkook and eventually break up their relationship? Or just stay silent to save his love?

His lips trembled at the thought of that.

     He sighed, shutting his eyes close trying to catch some sleep because he doesn't want more people telling him how sick and tired he is looking. No, he doesn't want anyone else's concern when the person who he hopes would do that is too far away from noticing the obvious changes.

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