Chapter One

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I fidgeted in the leather booth, and my fingers impatiently tapped over the menu in the shape of a cowboy hat. I didn't get it. We were in Southern California. Wouldn't it have been better if it was in the shape of a sun? 

I was overthinking, per usual, but I'm pretty sure my date was lost, or I was getting stood up. I hated blind dates, and even more; I hated the fact that I let my friends set me up. The dating apps weren't working, or maybe I was just not attracted to anyone. 

I don't know. I honestly didn't have a clue. It's not like I was dying to get into a relationship, but one-night stands and hook-ups left me feeling emptier than usual. God, the way I talk about my life, you'd think I was some old ass man in his mid-fifties going through a mid-life crisis.

I wasn't. I was thirty-two and would have never come if my friends hadn't insisted that this girl was perfect for me. I'm sure they used the word soulmate once or twice in their long and tedious speech. I ran my hands over the tops of my jeans and reached for my phone to text my stupid friends when I saw movement coming toward me.

At first, I thought it was my nosy waitress, Kayla, but with a second look, I knew it had to be the girl I was meeting. I had seen a picture of her on Opal's phone, but the picture didn't do her justice. 


This woman was plucked out of every man's wet dream, beauty magazine, and every fantasy and desire come to life. My breath was stolen from me as my eyes skirted over the angel in a summer dress with little flowers.

She had pale blonde hair, wispy and long that elegantly reached down her back. Her eyes were big, innocent, and so fucking blue they resembled priceless diamonds, endless skies, and bluebell flowers. 

She had rosy cheeks, a soft nose, and pink lips fuller at the top than the bottom. She erratically smoothed her hands down her dress and rushed over to set her purse on the table.

"I'm so sorry." She sputtered. "I'm late, aren't I? I'm so sorry." 

I stood up and extended my hand toward the other side of the booth, and she sat down. 

"I left early, but you wouldn't believe what happened mid-traffic." 

Nimble, perfectly manicured fingers ran through her bangs, and she did this little thing where she parted them before flicking her hair over her shoulder. 

Fuck. Why was that hot? 

"A dog sat down right in front of my car, and everyone kept honking, but the poor baby was giving birth. I ended up getting out, and with some other people, we helped her. She had eight puppies. 

They were so adorable, but I realized my outfit was ruined, so I stopped at the nearest boutique and bought a new one. I'm sorry, it probably sounds like some made-up story, but I did take photos." 

I saw her tuck her bottom lip between her teeth as she pulled out her phone and scanned through the photos. 


 She flashed me the screen, and I saw that she had taken a photo with the dog, the pups, and everyone else that helped. She pulled her hand back, and with one last glance at the photo, she set her phone down and exhaled. 

"I'm sorry I'm rambling." She blushed, and her rosy cheeks got even rosier.

It was a strange thought, but all I could think about was listening to this woman ramble on and on forever, and I don't think I would mind. No, I knew I wouldn't mind.

"You're not. I'm Gabriel."

"Yes, hi. I'm Katarina. My, well, our friends call me Kat." She introduced. "So, this is a nice place. I don't think I've ever been here."

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