Chapter Twenty

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"Fuck." I moaned. "Please, please, oh god, please," I whined into the pillow.

I've never had a man wake me up with head before. I mean, it's always the women that woke up their men with a blowjob since they're raging in the morning. It was like he was dreaming about it. About touching me and tasting me.

I was still on my side from when we cuddled, and he didn't even try to move my body. Instead, he shoved himself between my thighs and began licking me. My leg hitched over him, and I felt his large hand there, keeping it up as he sucked on my clit.

The position was hotter than if I were on my back, it made it seem dirtier, as if he was so desperate he couldn't even flip me over onto my back. I rode his face shamelessly, and he vocalized his pleasure for my taste.

I could hear the sounds of his tongue sliding and slipping over my pussy. Combined with my heavy breathing and gasps, it was undeniably hot and dirty.

"Please, let me cum." I begged.

"Don't fucking rush me." His hand came down on my ass, and I whined louder. "I'm taking my fucking time, so just keep riding my face and let me enjoy your cunt, baby."

Baby. I loved that word. I loved it coming out of his mouth. I never thought a cheesy endearment could make me so warm and fuzzy, but fuck, Gabriel was different.

His teeth scraped against my clit, and I shuddered, my hands reaching for the top of his head to anchor him to me. I was so close, but every time he felt me near my orgasm, he'd draw it back.

I was wound up tight, and my legs were vibrating, my leg struggling to stay up, but he didn't care as he ravished me with his mouth. It was too much, yet it wasn't enough. I needed more, yet I didn't want this moment to end.

He groaned between my legs as my wetness dripped out of me betrayingly loudly. I felt his fingers trace between my asscheeks, and I clenched.

"Relax." He murmured. He lifted his chin to look at me, and my lips parted as he licked his. "Fuck the way you look at me." He rasped. He sat up and smacked my ass. "On all fours. Now."

I was shaking and whining as I moved to the position he wanted. His hand came down again on my ass, and I moaned, my body reflexively bucking back. I felt his hands smooth over my ass and then his lips all over my back, a gentle touch he offered me before he went crazy.

His hands kneaded my ass cheeks, and I felt him spread them, and then the sound of spitting before something wet trickled between my ass.

"Oh, fuck." I was vibrating with need.

"Yeah, you like that, baby?"


He repeated the motion, and I grew even slicker between my legs. My core was clenching, crying, and begging for a release. I felt the tip of his cock, and he pushed in slowly at first, but then his control snapped as he surged all the way inside. He groaned, and I swear the room vibrated with the sound.

"You feel so fucking good, Kat. So. Fucking. Good. Better than what I could have ever imagined." He growled as he rutted into me.

His hands would leave bruises on my hips from where he gripped them. That's how rough he was, and I was here for it. I didn't mind the bruises; they'd all be bittersweet reminders that we'd have.

I didn't know how long this would last. I didn't know what would happen after this orgasm. I didn't even know what the hell we were doing. The orgasms and the too much eye contact had me fucked in the head.

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