Chapter Nineteen

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She was snoring as I picked her up and carried her to my apartment. I kicked the door close with my foot before heading to Opal's old room.

Thank God I didn't make it into an office, and her bed was still there. I laid her down and removed her shoes before covering her up.

I turned off the light and ran out of the room as if she was on fire. I needed a fucking drink. I was barely down with my first cup when my phone rang.

I picked up when I saw Opal's name.

"Did you call?"

"Kat forgot her purse in the bar. You and Xavier didn't pick up, so I brought her back to my place. She's sleeping in your old room." I informed her.

"Oh, okay. I'll send her purse back with Xavier."

"Okay, you do that. Good night."

I hung up before she could fire more questions at me. Two beer bottles down, and I was still confused about what the fuck happened. She was too drunk, and I hated that she was drunk when she was talking to me.

She couldn't have spoken to me like that when she was sober. Goddamn it. Fucking goddamn it. I was furious, turned on, and confused. I've seen Kat drunk multiple times, but I've never seen her be so loose with her words and inhibitions.

I don't know what had her losing her filter like this around me. Was it lack of sex catching up to her? Or did she need me to fuck her? I rubbed my face and tried to work through everything she said to me.

Gabriel, do you think I'm sexy?


Have you ever thought about fucking me?

All the fucking time.

I do want you to fuck me. All I want is for you to fuck me.

All I want is to fuck you too, baby.

I'm wet. For you.

I'm hard for you.

If you don't fuck me, then I'll just have to use my toy. It feels like that's all I've been doing lately.

All I do is fuck my hand to the thought of you. Unfortunately, it feels like that's all I've been doing lately, too.

Jesus. I set the beer bottle down and splashed my face as I tried to ignore my cock, which was aching for a release. We were friends, and I didn't want to fuck her when she was drunk.

I wanted her to remember it and ask it of me sober. I wanted her to remember it, to not wake up with a headache and some pieces of last night missing.

I wouldn't take advantage of her for my pleasure, and I definitely wouldn't remind her of anything she said if she were to forget it all tomorrow.

My heart was racing from everything that had happened. I couldn't get her face or words out of my head. I knew they'd be a hundred percent engraved into my mind, and I'd remember how she told me to fuck her when I fucked my hand later on.

I checked up on her to see her curled up with the pillow in her arms, snoring softly, and I closed the door lightly before heading to my room. I decided on a cold fucking shower to calm my nerves and chill my dick from bursting in my pants.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself before reaching for my pajama pants. I usually slept naked, but with Kat across the room, I didn't want to risk it. What if she woke up crying or wanting to throw up?

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