Chapter Eleven

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"Fuck." I swore, tightening my hand around my cock.  "Christ, that feels so good, baby."

The water hit my back aggressively, and steam erupted all around me. I woke up with a raging hard-on about a blue-eyed angel and couldn't contain myself. I decided jacking off in the shower was my safest bet.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, how she'd feel pinned beneath me, or how sweet her mouth and cunt would taste. I closed my eyes as I imagined her kneeling in front of me.

All I could see was the top of her head bopping up and down my cock. All I could hear were the sweet fucking sounds of her choking around my length, but nothing beat the hot feel of her wet, eager, and greedy mouth.

I fucking knew she'd be greedy. I could almost hear her seductive voice as she acted out my favorite scenario.

You like me on my knees for you?

Are you close, Gabriel?

You want to cum down my throat? Want me to swallow, baby?

"Kat," Her name came out like it always did when I thought about her like this. "Baby, fuck, I'm cumming for you. Swallow, fuck...fucking swallow."

My hand hurt, and I yearned for her as I worked myself until I came all over the shower walls. My breathing was heavy and harsh, and my breathing was labored as the shower washed away the evidence of my pathetic orgasm.

Masturbation wasn't doing it for me anymore. I still felt stiff and needy. I still wanted her on her knees, sprawled out on her back, against a wall, and on every other surface I could get her on.

It's been a whole year and a half since I had sex. I told myself it wasn't a big deal since the only woman I wanted to fuck was the only woman I couldn't have. I couldn't be left alone with her.

I really couldn't. I didn't trust myself around her. I knew if given one chance, I'd kiss the living fuck out of her.

My hands fisted at my sides as I felt the aching in my cock all over again. Goddamn it. The culprit responsible was out there, and she was too fucking busy telling the entire world that we were friends.

I hated that fucking word, and every time she said it, my jaw clenched on instinct. The only plus side is that our friendship was fucking solid. 

We talked every single day, hung out with or without Xavier and Opal, and the closer we got, the more intimate our conversations got.

Whether it was about family, cousins, old relationships, past experiences, or even our first times. It felt comfortable talking to her about everything, about laying myself out there and knowing she'd never judge me or make me feel weird or off.

I know I should be backing off, creating some distance to keep my heart and emotions at bay, but I couldn't go a single fucking day without seeing her or hearing her voice. It was this constant inner turmoil between my heart and brain.

My heart wanted her, longed for her, and my brain wanted to keep us safe and protected. I turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around my waist, and got dressed.

Tonight, we were meeting up with Opal and her boyfriend, Ryker. She introduced us when we got back from visiting our families.

Ryker Holdings was a lawyer who worked with his two other brothers and father at the firm. He was a good guy, and we warmed up to him after Xavier, Kat, and I made a few threats.

He treated Opal like she deserved to be treated, and I knew it was getting serious when she decided to introduce us.

She barely came home since they spent all their time at his place, and as long as she was happy, I didn't mind.

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