Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Why aren't you nervous?" I shoved his chest. "Our parents are both coming over for dinner, and my parents are spending the night."

He stared at me like I had grown another head which had me more anxious.

"Gabriel," I whined. "Be more nervous."

That had him laughing and reaching for my face.

"You've met my parents before, and they fucking love you. Also, your parents will love me because I'm funny, successful, charming, and handsome. It's going to be fine. We spent all week cleaning the house and preparing the guest room and then also spent two days buying groceries for dinner. It's fine. It'll be perfect."

"You can't win my parents over with how handsome you are. You already fooled their daughter, baby; you can't fool them, too."

He laughed mockingly before squishing my cheeks and kissing me. "Watch me."

His parents were driving here while my parents were flying out. They'd both be at our place around six in the evening.

My parents would spend the night with us while his would spend the night at Opal and Ryker's, thankfully, since we didn't have an extra bedroom for them. He was heading to pick my parents up from the airport while I waited for his at the house.

Gabriel left his old apartment, and we found a new apartment for us since we agreed a fresh start meant a new place for us both to live in officially. I moved back from Paris a month ago, and Eloise was kind enough to let me work from LA until my contract with her finished this year.

Megan was more than welcoming about getting my first job back with her, and thankfully it was all working out. I decided for dinner, I would make two traditional meals: a Slavic one and an Argentinian one.

I was trying to impress his parents, and despite knowing that they loved me, I still wanted to show and put in the effort. I wasn't a great cook, but with a lot of phone calls to my parents and his aunt and Marcela, who gracefully translated, I hoped it was worth it.

I made Slavic Gołąbki, stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and ground beef, Pierogi, dumplings filled with ground beef and potatoes, and Shopska salad on the side.

For my Argentinian foods, I tried and hopefully succeeded in making empanadas, another spiced meat dumpling, Locro stew, and grilled beef ribs with a side of chimichurri sauce.

For dessert, I decided on something neutral, a classic cheesecake. Finally, the doorbell rang, and I set the last plate on the table before smoothing my hands down my dress and heading over.

"Mijita." Tomás engulfed me in a hug as soon as I opened the door.

I hugged him, and then he was pried off of me by his wife, that also wanted a hug.

"Hi, it's great to see you guys again. How was your trip?"

I closed the door only for it to open up again and for my parents to walk in with Gabriel. I jumped on my father, almost knocking him down if Gabriel didn't catch him. While I hugged and said my hellos to my parents, I could hear Gabriel's Spanish as he said hello to his.

He was sweet as he carried my parent's luggage to their guestroom. They all washed their hands, and then we sat at the dinner table together.

"Oh, Katarina, you've made empanadas and tira de asado." His mother gushed as she looked at the food.

"Gabriel cooked the beef, and Marcela and Tía helped me with the empanadas. I hope you enjoy it. Mama, I made Gołąbki." I pointed.

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