Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Mama, Papá, esta es Kat." I introduced her to my parents.

My mother dried her hands with the kitchen towel and eyed a very nervous Kat from head to toe. My mother's sienna-colored hair was held up by a hair-claw like always, with her bangs curled over her forehead.

Her eyes were a mixture of honey and emeralds, and I could see her putting the pieces together as Kat gave her a small and timid smile. My father set his phone down and took off his glasses as he took his turn to gauge the woman beside me.

The last woman they met was Savannah, and that was years ago. They fucking hated her and weren't shy about it, nor did they hold back with how they would only speak in Spanish around her.

My father's shiny head popped up as he got off the stool and stood by my mother. He ushered her forward with his hand on her back. He had a thick beard with silver strands running through it. He smiled at Kat, who was still tense and frozen on the spot.

"I'm glad Martín's okay. I pray he has a speedy recovery. I'm sorry to barge in like this. I was just worried about Gabriel." She said politely.

I told them in Spanish that she drove over here after traveling from Paris and how tired she was.

"She's going to spend the night in my room."

"That is if you both don't mind. I can always get a hotel. I told Gabriel, but he-"

"No hotel." My mother cut her off.

"Thank you, Mr. Castro and Mrs. Castro."

"Tomás." My father introduced himself. "My wife, Valentina. No need for formalities."

"Thank you." Kat smiled widely, and I knew she'd win them over with just her smile.

"¿Es ella la amiga con la que estabas hablando por teléfono?" My mother asked.


I walked her into my old bedroom, and she didn't even bother removing her shoes before she collapsed on my bed. I sat on the bed and took off her shoes and socks before grabbing the blanket.

I covered her with it and ensured there was water on the nightstand in case she woke up thirsty. I stayed there for a few moments, just watching her sleep. She drove here for me, despite hating long car rides and the fact that she gets sick easily.

For me? My strong girl. She looked too beautiful sleeping on my bed. Her hair was fanned out across my pillows, and she looked innocent with her pink lips parted as she snored lightly. I kissed her forehead before walking out of my room and downstairs.

I needed to head back to the hospital and check on Martín. I gave Marcela my car keys and told her to drive it back since I had Kat's car. I grabbed my jacket and car keys when my mother called my name. I knew what she would ask, and I prepared myself as she asked me if Katarina was my girlfriend or just my friend.

"No sé."

(Translation: I don't know.)

"¿Qué?" My father exclaimed. "How do you not know?" He asked me sternly. "She drove here for you, hijo."

"I know, but we haven't talked about it yet." I rubbed my face. "I have to check on Martín."

"She's very tiny. Does she not eat?" My mother asked.

"Mama, don't be mean."

"She eats meat. Or is she one of those vegetarinas?"

"She eats meat, mama. Don't wake her up. She's been up for two days. Let her sleep." I said and walked out before they could investigate me further.

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