Chapter Five

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"Your usual, Kat?" The waitress asked.

She set her menu down and smiled up at her sweetly. "Please, yes. Extra spicy, Dara, but you already know that. How's your wrist?"

The waitress flexed her braced, covered hand. "Better, thank you for asking." She took turns asking us what we needed, jotted everything down, then left to prepare our meals.

Katarina sat across from me casually as if she wasn't just checking me out. This girl was hot and cold, and her back-and-forth feelings gave me whiplash. Her ash blonde hair sat ruler straight down her back, and the only volume she had were the curtain bangs that she kept parting with those manicured and polished nails.

Her innocent blue eyes twinkled under the lights, and smile lines appeared on her face at something Xavier told her, causing her to laugh and smack his shoulder. Katarina had an elegant heart-shaped face with soft brows, a small, adorable button nose, and those sinfully dangerous baby-pink lips painted an angry red.

Of course, it didn't help that she wore an outfit that had me questioning whether I was still alive. A short leather black skirt with slits on either side and a jade-green silk blouse tucked in tightly, and I didn't have to look to see those strappy heels she wore like her weapon of choice.

If she were mine, I'd hitch that skirt over her ass and force her to dig her heels into my back while I ride her cunt hard.

"I am so hungry I could eat a fucking cow." Opal huffed, pulling me out of my dirty thoughts as she leaned back in the booth we were sitting in. "Gabe, did you see Preston today?"

I grimaced in disgust at the mention of his name. "No, why? Did he ask you out again?" I gritted out. "I want to punch him whenever I see him walking around the building."

"Who's Preston?" Kat asked as she set her phone down.

"One of the many men in our office obsessed with me. He showed up at my office today, shoved some concert tickets in my face, and demanded I go with him. I took the tickets and kicked his ass out." She plucked out two tickets from her purse. "I don't love this band, but I know someone who does...." She flashed them over to Katarina, who squinted as she read the name.

"Oh my god!" She squealed. "You're lying! You're fucking lying!" She screamed as she snatched them to take a better look. "Opal, if this is a joke, I'll murder you."

"It's not. I don't like their music, but I know you do."

Kat's chin trembled, and she took a shaky breath as if trying hard not to cry. "I've been trying not to cry all day. I hate you." She sniffled as she wiped away the tears that fell down her face.

"All day? Did something happen?" Xavier asked as he rubbed her arm.

"No, nothing happened. It's fine. I'm fine. Someone, please change the subject." She pleaded.

"Let me see the tickets." I finally said and extended my hand for her to place them in my palm.

I felt the brush of her fingers everywhere. I scanned the artist's name, and my lips twitched into a smile.

"You're an Artic Monkeys girl?" I teased, and she chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure I'm an Alex Turner girl." She let out a low whistle. "I mean, God took his time with him."

"What's your favorite song?"

"Ufff. That's a tough one." She pondered for a minute. Then, "I can't just choose one!" She exclaimed.

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