Chapter Eighteen

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I ran to him, dropped my suitcases along the way, and jumped in his arms. He laughed as he picked me up off the floor and spun me around.

Gabriel's scent engulfed me and warmed me up, but he pulled away too fast before I could enjoy how it felt to be in his arms like this.

"I got you flowers."

He handed me a bouquet, and I blushed as I ran my fingers over them. He nudged my cheek with his knuckles before walking behind me to grab my luggage.

"Thank you for coming."

"Of course, I told you I would. Everyone's waiting for you back at the bar. I told them you'd be exhausted, but they insisted we celebrate as soon as you land."

"I'm still on Paris time," I said. "It's like noontime there now. I'm wide awake and cannot wait to get drunk with you guys."

He placed my bags in his trunk, and then I got into his car with his help. "How was Paris?"

"Great. I made a lot of connections. So many of Megan's friends wanted me to work with them and even offered me jobs there. It's crazy. I mean, I'm an editor, yet all these people want me to work on their magazines. It's outrageous."

"It's because you're a fucking amazing editor and a hard worker. I see how hard you work and the effort you put into your job. They saw your great fucking potential and want you to work with them. It's no surprise, Kat. I'm proud of you." He said with a megawatt smile.

"Thank you." I blushed.

I left my flowers in his car, and then we headed inside the bar, where Xavier, Opal, and Ryker were waiting for us.

I ran to them fast and launched myself at them. I hugged them tightly, possibly choking them in the process, but they didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, I missed you guys so, so much!" I shouted. I kissed both their cheeks before pulling away.

"We missed you too, babe."

"Hi, Ryker," I said before hugging him hello.

He smiled as he patted my back. "Welcome back, Kat."

I sighed. "It's good to be back."

"Tell us all about Paris." Opal insisted.

I chuckled. "I will. Right after, I get a drink in me."

"It's on me," Gabriel said, suddenly appearing from behind me. "I'll get us some drinks. Just sit tight, yeah?"

I love that fucking word.

"Yeah." I nodded.

I sat down and turned to the other three.

"Paris was wow. I mean, there were horrible days, but then there were amazing days. Work was hectic, but I loved every single second of it. I had so much fun there. Thank God Megan speaks French, or I'm sure I would have hated the trip."

"Any sexcapades?" Opal asked with a wiggle of her brows.

"No, not really. I told you it's not like Emily in Paris."

"You're saying not a single guy asked you out?" Xavier gaped up at me.

"No, I got asked out, but they seemed douchey. Plus, what's the point of hooking up with a guy that lives in Paris? I'm here in LA. I don't like long-distance relationships." I reasoned.

Gabriel came back with shots, and I eagerly took two. I downed them after each other and danced in my seat.

Before I could grab another one, Opal grabbed my wrist. "We're going to the bathroom!" She shouted and then dragged me down the hall to where the bathroom. "First of all, you look happy."

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