Chapter 1

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'Where am I?'

You stared into the colourless swirls that filled the void in your mind, forced to watch as they toiled.

"She's waking up. Check her vitals."

A blinding light bled into your prison, edging closer and closer to your mind. Just out of reach. It taunted you.


Gasping, you bolted upright. The light that had been so tantalisingly close was now barraging your irises at full force. You let out a shrill hiss in pain.

"Calm her down!"

The voices from before boomed, agitating your confused body. You tried to take in as much information as possible without taking your eyes away from them.

There were two people stood far below you, holding their arms out to show they meant no harm. They wore white hazmat suits with elbow-length rubber gloves and gas masks.

You growled before thrashing your arms above your head defensively, knocking the theatre light away and tugging on the many wires that had been linked to your new body. Fear fueled your hazed line of thought.

"Y/N! Calm down!" One of the people pleaded, though it sounded like more of a warning.

You snapped your head in their direction, eyes wide in confusion. He was so much smaller than you, you feared you were experiencing some sort of out-of-body projection.

"It's me! Remember- Turner!" The man added. He breathed against the screen of his mask, creating a foggy wall between the two of you. Yet you recognised his voice.. so you must know him, right?

"Turner.." you mumbled before looking down at yourself, panting deep, stuttered breaths. You were considerably more blue than the last time you'd looked down.

Your heart began to pound against your chest once more, panic setting in. Something was very wrong.

You tried to recall the last thing you'd seen, trying to piece together what had happened to you. But there was nothing. You couldn't remember a single moment where you'd been in that room. With it's dingy grey walls and lack of windows..

Turner approached you apprehensively, as if taming a wild animal. "Let us explain. I know this must be scary for you.. but you have to trust me." He held his hands out, maintaining eye contact.

You gulped. You didn't like the situation at all, but you decided to suppress your opinions and at least hear the man out. Nodding, you swatted away the last few wires and dangled your elongated legs off the side of the medical bed. The cold of the metal floor sending a small chill through your body.

Turner- the scientist who seemed to know you- sat on a small stool to your side, reaching into a drawer whilst he explained the predicament you were in. "I'm seeing that you're having some trouble remembering the exact titbits to your situation, allow me to jog your memory." He started, scratching something onto a clipboard as the other scientists scrambled around to prepare for the next round of medicals.

"Do you remember when we made that memory chip- the 'Soul Drive'? In case of emergencies?" He probed, trying to glimpse at your changing expression. "Well... an emergency happened. Your avatar is now fully grown and ready to be used- but don't worry, you're not alone. We've got a whole load of 'recombinant' soldiers apart of the team now."

Your ears drooped as you tilted your head in confusion. It was a lot to take in at once. "Recombinant?" You questioned, wanting to avoid the aforementioned 'emergency'.

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