Chapter 15

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The two of you returned to the cell before early morning patrol, giggling and whispering the whole way back like a couple of teens who'd snuck out.

"We should do this more often." You exhaled, wrapping your hands around the bars of the door as Quaritch locked you inside. He gave the door a quick tug with his strength before grinning at you.

"You like sneakin' about like this?" He asked, a thousand other questions following suit in his mind. He wanted to know exactly what you enjoyed.

You nodded, biting your lip playfully. His gaze flickered down for a moment before he ran a hand through your hair from behind the bars. "Rest up. I'll come get you in the morning."

You smiled at the feeling that tickled your skin as he played with your hair. In a swift movement, he cupped your cheek and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

Before you could savour it, he had already returned to his normal stature, the mask of a stern expression adorning his face. Although the slight tug at the sides of his mouth gave him away.

He was at war with himself. He loved the way you gazed up at him with those large glassy eyes, how your lips were so plump and sweet, how your skin was so soft against his rough touch.

"Earth to Miles~?" You giggled. He'd been staring down at you with an awestruck look for a while.

He collected himself with a forced cough."G'night, rookie."

"Don't let the bed bugs bite." You called out in a hushed whisper as he walked into the darkness of the corridor.


After you'd woken up, Quaritch put on his bad cop work-sona. He spared no energy in making sure to get right up close and personal as he cuffed you, muttering into your ears as he towered over you from behind. You couldn't complain.. you played along the whole time, feeding into his inflated ego.

However, instead of leading you to the brainscanner equipment with Ardmore, he turned down the corridor to the Recom Block.

You grinned as you spun your head around. "Are we meeting the others?" You asked, dragging your feet as you walked. The taller man took such fast and long strides, you couldn't keep up no matter how fast you jogged.

He grunted in confirmation as he lifted you by the waist. "You're so damn slow. We haven't got all day."

You yelped at his sudden touch, before being swung over his shoulder like a limp burlap sack. "What are you doing!?" You yelled, kicking your legs against him lightly.

He chuckled at your reaction. "Speedin' things up." He replied with a smug smirk, marching down the hall.

You rolled your eyes and accepted your fate, resting an elbow on his shoulder blade as he walked. Being up at his level made you realise how tall he was, you almost freaked out at how high up you were.

Before you could think too deeply about that, Miles kicked the common room doors open with a crash and the whole squad turned to look at him.. and your ass.

You flushed a furious lilac and thudded your fists against the man's back. "Put me down!"

He complied, your feet meeting the smooth floor as you looked at your ex-colleagues. They looked pleased to see you, for the most part. Lyle, Mansk and Zdinarsk especially. You were glad, having missed them so dearly.

"Listen up. I'm only gonna say this once." The Colonel started, his strong presence filling the room with his booming voice. All eyes were on him. "I don't work for Ardmore no more. In fact.." He grinned at the look of shock across the room. "I'm taking that bitch down."

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