Chapter 6

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Your eyes cracked open in the morning sun to find the Colonel missing. You groaned and sat up before scanning the room with sleepy eyes.

He was nowhere to be found. With a glance to his clock, you gasped and jumped out of bed. As you panicked at the time, you picked up your clothes and sprinted to the door.

The General's briefing had started half an hour prior.

You were still only wearing Quaritch's shirt so you rushed down the hall and to your room with careful but rushed steps. Once you were safely inside, you huffed and changed your clothes.

"How could he not wake me up?" You grumbled, lifting your shirt over your head. You hopped as you slid your shoes on, not bothering to do the laces.

You ran to the briefing room, shoe laces hitting the floor with little clicks as you made contact with the metal.

You opened the door. Everyone turned snd stared at you in silence.

"Glad you could make it, L/N." The general spoke, her voice laced with distain.

You gulped and mixed with the crowd as you stood with your back to the wall. "As I was saying.." She drew out every vowel with a hiss, "We're sending out our recom team to hunt down Jake Sully."

She pointed to a face she flashed on the screen. He was one of the Avatars from before the war- gone rogue. His eyes looked familiar, but you couldn't put  your finger on why.

"You will be supplied as much weaponry as you need.. all the usual, plus camping kits and the like. Now that you look Na'vi, you'll have to act Na'vi. Under L/N's guidance, you'll adapt to the forest the same as our enemy. Do I make myself clear?" She asked, eyes boring through your own.

"Yes ma'am." You muttered, feeling personally attacked by her disparagement. She seemed pleased by your gentle demeanor and nodded.

"You're dismissed." She excused the squad and immediately everyone filed out with mixed responses.

Amongst the crowd was that familiar recom you'd fallen head over heels for. He was talking to a few of his subordinates about the new arrangements.

Just as you were about to call out to him, you felt a cold hand place itself on your shoulder. You whipped your head around in surprise to see the General standing to your side, eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know what you're playing at.. but you can atleast show up to my meetings. Don't forget; I'm sticking my neck out for you by doing this."

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry.." you spoke as you avoided her stern gaze. God, she was scary when mad.

She gave you a slap on the shoulder blade with faux amiability before walking off. You let out a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding in once she left your view line. The fear had now subsided and annoyance filled its spot. Why did the Colonel leave you there?

You decided you were going to give him a piece of your mind. Right after you found him.. he had disappeared with the rest of your peers someplace.

"Mornin', sleeping beauty."

That voice.

You pivoted on your heel to face Miles. He wore a grin of mischief along his rough face. You furrowed your brows, "how could you just let me oversleep!?"

He chuckled at your expression, arms crossing over his waist. "Last time I checked, it's your own responsibility to wake yourself up, rookie."

"You turned the alarm clock off! How was I supposed to know!?" You whined in annoyance.

He shrugged, looking to the floor briefly in an attempt to conceal his growing smile. "Maybe you should've been better prepared."

You rolled your eyes in an exaggerated movement. "If this is your idea of a prank, it isn't very funny. The General chewed me out after our meeting."

"I heard."

You groaned in response, earning a lighthearted laugh from the Colonel. "Come on.." He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, suddenly acting all buddy-buddy. "No hard feelings, right?"

You hesitated, thinking over your response. "Nope. You gotta make it up to me now. I'm very mad." You smirked, leaning into his side as you walked.

"Alright." He gave a sorry sigh. "What do you want?"

You weaved your way out of his arms in a quick motion, standing infront of him. "To go out again. After our mission, let's go somewhere nice."

He thought for a moment. "Sure."


The last training of the week had just finished, and frankly you were terrified. You were being sent out on Monday and you still felt the same as when you had arrived.

You grabbed your water bottle and swigged the contents. You were completely destroyed from the day's intensive training. You gasped for air as you pulled the bottle down and steadied yourself on the wall for balance.

"Y'alright there, rookie?" Miles asked in slight amusement, leaning down to your level.

"I'm fine." You stood up straight, trying to control your breathing.

"You've done well, considering how much time we've had." He complimented you, honestly.

Your ears flicked up in joy. "Thank you." You smiled, flashing your teeth.

His assured look faltered as his eyes fell to the floor in slight embarassment. "The team think it's time you complete the 'initiation' into Deja Blue..." He  gave a disgruntled look before continuing. "Everyone else did it, way back when we met."

"Alright.. what is it?" You asked.

He visibly cringed, "they fill an old boot with beer and you have to chug it."

You laughed at the idea. "Oh god.. is that really what I have to do to be part of the team?"

"It's tradition. I s'ppose its not obligatory.." He explained.

You giggled at his obvious reluctance. "When did they wanna do it? I'm down."

"Right now.. if you're free." He looked at you, stunned.

"What are you waiting for!? Bring out the booze!" You felt your fatigue lift at the mention of a party, already energized.

He groaned, realising it was a bad idea to even mention it. He probably didn't expect you to actually agree.

"She's in? Alright!" Lyle emerged from behind the door with his arms in the air. "Get the beer, Alex!"

Miles turned to the man with a scowl. "Were you just eavesdropping, Corporal?"

The man lingered in the doorway before sprinting away with a giggle.

"Remind me to make him run laps tomorrow." He muttered with a sigh.

You placed your hands on his shoulders with a wide smile. "Relax! It's our last day of training! We can party a little."

His frown dissipated before he sighed in defeat. "I been wondering when I could get a drink 'round here anyways.." He mumbled.

You clasped his hand, leading him out of the room. "That's the spirit. Let's go join the others..!" 


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