Chapter 9

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You wasted no time in rushing out the back of the jet, in fear of being left behind. Your feet thudded against the metal before being met with soft grass. Your body was instantly heated by the sun as you emerged into the wide forestscape.

No matter how many times you visited, it was so magical in the forests of Pandora.

The Colonel gestured to the jet pilots before it took off once more, disappearing into the distance. Once the noise from it died down, all you could hear was the orchestra of the wild. You sighed and took a deep breath, smiling wide.

The others disappeared into the bushes, hands never really leaving their weapons.

"Y/N! Hurry up!" Zdinarsk laughed, motioning you into the shade.

You whipped your head forward and hopped after the team. It was cool in the shade, a welcome change. You trailed behind the crew, their large forms acting like guide posts.

You wandered throughout the forest for little over half an hour, talking with hushed voices. You heard a gasp or two from infront when you had arrived, you stuck your neck out to the side to see what they were looking at.

In a dimly lit clearing of the forest, lay the graveyard of the Pandoran War. A steel shack from the Avatar Programme, overgrown with ivy and looking over an older-issue powersuit.

The others explored the area with unease, checking for any possible lingering Na'vi.

Your eyes widened at the sight, as you looked at Quaritch to gauge his feelings. You'd heard from whispers in the canteen about what happened all those years ago. The Colonel and this 'Jake Sully' guy fought over the land, eventually leading to Miles' demise.

The man hid his face, trailing a finger over an arrow lodged in the back of the suit. You quickly weaved forward, "you okay?" You asked, ears pressed back.

He grunted, taking his own skull in his hand and gazing at it. It had three scratch marks down the side of it, ending on the edges of the eyes and mouth.

Lyle crouched down beside him, snatching the dog tags from the body. "Wish to recover the remains?" He asked, a meek look in his eyes.

The Colonel crushed the skull in his hands. It crumbled onto the floor as he grimaced. "No."

You cast your gaze to the floor, tapping him on the arm lightly. He looked at you with a soft expression, placing a hand on your own before spinning around, frowning.

His eyes narrowed and you followed his gaze, he looked into the bushes before signalling for everyone to head in that direction.

You sprinted after everyone, you would've completely lost them if you hadn't heard the shrill scream of a child echo through the trees.

You emerged from behind the timber with a scowl. "What are you doing?" You screamed at the Colonel.

He and your peers held a few terrified Na'vi children, restraining them as they protested. They had blades to their necks and gun barrels pointed at their heads.

He looked at you, face warped into a furious glare. You'd never seen him like that before.

You looked between the children, their eyes wide in panic. The youngest looked to be no older than ten, her weak form struggling uselessly against one of your recombinant 'friends'.

The Colonel crouched down to the Na'vi boy, "show me your fingers." He demanded.

The boy smugly held his middle fingers out, flipping him off. Quaritch gave a dry laugh, before standing up again. "You're his."

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