Chapter 8

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Once again, you found yourself draped across the Colonel's bed, weaving your limbs through the soft sheets. Although this time, Miles was still beside you and sound asleep.

You sat up on the bed, scouring your brain for how this had happened. Foggy memories began to flow to you and you pieced together the story; you got drunk and danced the night away with him.. but that didn't explain why you were in his bed.

The man in question groaned as he turned over to face you, massaging his eyes. "Mornin' sugar." He spoke, voice coarse and deep, before checking the alarm clock for the time.

"Might aswell get up.." He grunted as he stood with a stretch.

You liked seeing him like this, his permanent wall of solidarity had fallen. He was showing you his most vulnerable self.

You smiled at the thought before going to the bathroom to wash your face.

"You hanging?" You raised your voice from the other room, looking at your reflection.

Your face was puffy and eyes a dark purple. You mumbled a curse under your breath at your appearance.

"Worry about yourself. You were throwin' em back like nobody's business. Hell, I thought we were gonna have to wheel you outta there on a stretcher." He laughed to himself, buckling his belt.

You rolled your eyes in semi-embarassment. "Not my fault you guys have this dumb ass ritual." You hissed, leaning in the doorway with a frown.

"Aw, come on.. you know you loved it." He smirked, turning to face you.

You felt yourself shrink back against his smug look, amber eyes boring through your own.

"Only because I got free booze." You scoffed, hardly suppressing a grin.

He chuckled to himself before turning back around again and looking at himself in the floor-length mirror attached to the shelving unit.

"We pack up today." He spoke after a moment's silence, his voice laced with regret.

You exhaled with an awkward laugh. "I know.. it doesn't feel real.." you closed the distance between you, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind. "I really like you, Miles." You confessed, breath tickling his back.

He turned around and kneeled before you in a swift moment. He took your hands in his, frowning at your worried expression. "I won't let anything happen to us... we still gotta have our second date, afterall."

He looked up as if he were pleading with you.

Your eyes wandered down his pronounced features. You practically melted at his undivided attention, his eyes so full of hope.

You slipped your hands out of his and fell to your knees before embracing him tightly, your ears drooping down. You didn't say anything but he knew what you wanted to articulate.

He'd been through this all too often. He placed a large hand on your back, patting it intermittently.

You stifled your tears, refusing to break down infront of someone so strong, before separating from him again. "You're right. We'll be fine." You gave a faltering smile before standing up and dusting yourself off.

"Hey, if you're still worried about all this.." He started as he stood up.

"I'm fine. Sorry about that." You laughed, wiping the tears from your eyes. "I have to get ready, anyways. I'll see you at breakfast?" You asked, avoiding looking in his direction.

He was quiet for a moment. "Yeah.. see you then, doll."

You walked out of the room, sliding it behind you and sighing. "What the fuck is wrong with me.."

You soon made your way back to yours and Z's room and packed what little belongings you had. If you ignored the danger of it all... you'd be happy to finally be able to explore the forests again.

You changed into your full camo, and made your way with Zdinarsk to the mess room.

"Hey, guys." She waved, lugging her bag over her shoulder with a grin.

The others perked up at hers and yours presence and welcomed you both. "Hey, how's our newest recruit?" Lyle asked with an exaggerated wink.

"Nervous." You laughed, taking a seat opposite him.

You gave a meek smile to the Colonel who was sat to your right, on the end of the table. He returned the gesture, taking a sip from his mug.

"It's alright." Lyle comforted,"we all got your back. Ain't that right, guys?"

"True that."

"Hell yeah!" Zdinarsk slapped your arm a little rougher than she anticipated.

You laughed at the warming gesture. They genuinely did care about you, despite having known you for little over two weeks.

"Thanks guys." You blushed.

"Look! She's gone bright red!" Lyle pointed at you with a laugh, the others joining in.

You slammed your palms against the table in embarassment. "Hey! Shut up..!"


The group boarded onto the jet soon after breakfast. You'd been given new equipment in bags big enough to potentially crush your spine. You were also fitted with a collection of harnesses and straps that held every tool you could ever need, and an earpiece/choker combo to communicate with.

It was extremely uncomfortable lugging that around, you dreaded having to run with it all.

The jet began to rumble, causing you to clutch onto the wall.

"Easy." Mansk chuckled. One last large thud almost sent you flying.

The Colonel stood. "Alright, ladies. We're here. I want y'all on your best behaviour- we need them alive, so no shootin' unless I say." He commanded, pacing around the small and dark room before the back door opened, revealing the harsh rays of the sun.

You squinted at the sudden change in light, paired with the rapid winds that filled the room.

"Let's move out." He yelled over the sound of the propellers before directing the squad down the ramp and into the unknown.


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