Chapter 10

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'Beautiful' was the only word that came to mind.

You gazed at the floating rocks above, their tangled vines oscillating in the breeze.

"Almost there." Jake promised, grinning back at you from his mighty Ikran. Though, you hardly noticed since your eyes were still absorbing the scenery.

The two birds of prey flew closer to the rock, swooping into the shade of it's collective form quickly before emerging inside. Your head swivelled from side to side as you took in the environment, amazed.

The inside was so full of life, despite it's only light source coming from below. The clan had seemingly relocated. They set up large tents inside, and there were even a few old labs perched in the corner of the cave.

You slid off the bird as Jake extended a hand to you, chuckling at your astonished expression. As soon as your feet met the hard floor, Na'vi began to swarm you. A few had looks of terror on their faces, but equally as many were taking in your features with wide eyes, curious as to your presence.

"We should not have brought her here." Neytiri hissed, clutching the hand of her youngest, Tuk.

"It'll be alright." He spoke, voice almost inaudible over the chatter of the clan.

"People!" He announced, drawing everyone's attention immediately. Your Na'vi was rusty so you could only make out your name and the word 'kind'.

The crowd seemed sceptical for a moment, yellow eyes analysing your anxious form. Though, they soon enough returned to what they were doing.

A group of children all ran up to you simultaneously, wide grins on their faces. They grabbed at your hands, intrigued by the four fingers that marked them.

You crouched down to their level, "nice to meet you."

"Hi!" One of them spoke, tugging onto your hair. You winced for a second before Jake shooed them off with a smile.

You were soon lead to a large tent that overlooked the exit of the cave. It was propped up with logs and the fabric was similar to the samples you'd been studying years before. It was maroon and weaved from whatever they could scavenge.

You noticed Jake's middle children eyed you suspiciously as you walked, soon being hushed by the eldest, Neteyam.

You cringed at your situation. The Omaticaya people didn't seem too delighted to have you there.

"Alright," Jake started, turning on his heel to face everyone once you were inside the tent. "Neteyam, take your sisters and Lo'ak to your grandma. We need to discuss Y/N's situation, privately."

"Yes sir." He spoke, glancing at you before turning and leaving with the others. You noticed the other boy scoff and roll his eyes as they left. As soon as they were outside the tent, they erupted into conversation.

"Y/N, please take a seat." The man gestured to the rug beneath your feet. As you sat, Neytiri frowned to her mate, arms crossed.

"It is not safe." She spoke, a lot calmer than she had been previously. There was a tension in the air, and you didn't like it.

Jake sighed. "Y/N needs our help. She has proven she is not working with Quaritch- she saved our daughter. Don't you think we owe her for that?"

He looked at her with pleading eyes. Her expression softened as she averted her gaze to the floor. "Thank you.. Y/N." She spoke, making eye contact.

You shook your head. "I had to... I didn't realise Miles was like that.." you admitted, though you regretted saying so. It was stupid of you to think that he could've changed.

Jake sat infront of you, his expression sincere. "How much do you remember..? From when you were human?"

Neytiri slid to the floor as you spoke. "Not much." You sighed. "My soul drive was corrupted. Turner thinks I lost about five years of memories, give or take."

His shoulders sank as he stared at you wide eyed. "So... you only remember the first year you were working under Grace?"

You nodded, slowly, trying to avoid his view. He heaved a sigh in disbelief, speechless. Neytiri placed a hand on his shoulder supportively, giving you a sorry glance.

"I remember you, though!" You sat up, trying to salvage his mood. "From training, but back then you went by Tom.." you trailed off. Sensing you'd made a mistake.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you. "That was my brother. Tommy.."

You didn't quite understand. He noticed your confused expression and continued. "My twin. He passed.. and I took his place in the Avatar Programme. So you don't remember me, just Tommy." He looked at you with raised brows, scoping your reaction.

You mentally scolded yourself. In attempting to cheer him up, you managed to confuse him with his dead brother.

"I'm sorry.." you trailed off. "We can get to know eachother again, though. I'm still the same person I was back then."

His expression lightened for a moment. "Alright!" He stood, clapping his hands together. "You'll have to meet Norm. I bet he's dying to meet you."

Your ears perked at the name. Norm. It had (literally) been years since you'd seen him. "He's here?" You asked, jumping from your seat on the floor.

"Yeah!" He exhaled, opening the entrance of the tent and pointing to one of the labs you'd seen before. The lights inside were on, and the faint image of people inside flashed in the windows.

You beamed and sped off toward the shack, Jake shortly behind. You clinked up the steel steps and opened the door, struggling with the tiny handle for a moment.

You glanced around at the familiar steel walls and halogen lights of the lab before taking a mask and joining the main room. Inside, glowing hologram screens lit the room as multiple scientists walked around, clipboards and flasks in hand.

You gasped. It was overwhelmingly nostalgic to be back there. Your presence by the door caught the attention of the man you sought out. His eyes grew large as realisation hit.

"Y/N!" He howled, running up to and hugging you. He was still as scrawny as ever, though you were now nine feet tall and aegean.

You bent down to his level, almost folding in half. "It's good to see you, Norm." You sighed as you clutched onto his compact frame.

He pulled away with a smile. "You too."


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