Chapter 14

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You rose from your sleep, a large hand shaking your shoulder gently. He shushed you as you whined, unsure of what was happening.

"It's me, doll. I need ya' to get Sully for me." The Colonel murmured, crouching down to your level.

He'd let himself into your cell again, but judging from the darkness, it was still the middle of the night. You groaned and faced him, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Are you crazy..? Do you know what time it is?" You questioned, not registering what you were spouting.

He let out a low chuckle before taking your hand and lifting you to your feet. "Up and at 'em.. we got a long day ahead." He muttered as you woke yourself up with a stretch and a yawn.

Once you fully grounded yourself, you looked into the metal sheet mirror on the wall and combed your fingers through your hair, adjusting the hair clip Neytiri had given you.

"You left for one day and you got a whole new look.." He analysed you with an admiring peer, eyes fixated on the new clothes you'd been given. "Not that I don't like it." He added.

Your eyes met his in the reflection and you smirked. "Thank you. Neytiri gifted them to me. I especially like the bra."

You ran your thumbs under the beads of the garment, freeing your chest of the weight it added in an attempt to show off the beautiful craftsmanship of the piece. Though, the Colonel's thoughts ran elsewhere. He cleared his throat before turning on his heel, "you sure know how to take your sweet time.."

You scoffed and skipped to his side as he let himself out the cell with a click of his keys.


You leapt onto the final boulder ascending to the Omaticaya base. After walking through the small entrance, you weaved through the tents frantically, looking for the 'terrorist'.

As you peered around his tent, you noticed the familiar man talking with his mate and children. They had mounted their Ikrans, as if they were leaving to somewhere.

"Jake!" You yelled, waving down the man. The family turned to you, their faces lighting up in surprise first, then confusion.

He met you halfway as you ran toward him, placing his hands on either side of your arms. "Y/N, where were you!? You scared us.." He breathed, scanning your eyes for any clue of what had happened.

The rest of the family listened intently, surprised at your sudden absence that morning. Maybe leaving without telling anyone wasn't the best idea..

"Jake.. you're not going to believe it." You sighed before snapping your head up again. "But I don't have time for that right now. I need your help."

He tightened his grip on you with a frown. "With what? Are you in trouble?"

"It's complicated," you pleaded, "just trust me.. please?"

He looked conflicted, glancing back to his family before meeting your gaze again. "What do you need help with?"

"I need you to meet someone important. I'll explain it to you on the way." You instructed, your tone was desperate. He mentally kicked himself before caving in.

"Neytiri, stay here with the kids while I help Y/N." He asked as he mounted his Ikran, adjusting the leather straps around his hands.

She looked between you and the man with a frown but before she could speak, you reassured her. "Please, Neytiri. It's for the good of the people." Her eyes lingered on your form for a moment, before she sighed.

"I trust you." She spoke, scooping Tuk into her arms with a frown.

The girl grinned at you. "Come back soon, Y/N!"

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