Chapter 4

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"Y/N! Don't leave me! Please.." He sobbed, clasping your hand to his pale face.

You cupped his cheek with a smile. "Eywa will let us meet again.. in another life. I'm sure of it."

You looked into his swollen eyes, his face clearly etched into your mind. He was so familiar, but so distant.


Your eyes widened in horror as you stared at the woman infront of you, her arms entangled with yours.

It was Zdinarsk. And you were in your bed. Safe.

She looked worried as she held you by the arms. "Y/N, are you alright? It was just a dream."

"I'm okay, sorry." You clutched your head, the man's face still fresh in your memory.

She looked at you with a frown before giving you some space. You sat in silence as you steadied your breathing, Z-dog sliding up on the bedsheets.

"It's almost breakfast. Wanna head down with me? We can get first dibs." She offered before standing up and changing into her camo gear.

"Yes please.." you groaned. Your sleep hadn't exactly been fulfilling.

You didn't bother changing your clothes, only slipping on your combat boots. You both made your way down to the canteen and were welcomed by the scent of coffee and toast.

You rushed to join the small queue with a large smile. "Actual food!" You turned to Z.

She gave a smug smile back. "Best meal of the day."

You helped yourself to some coffee, toast and eggs- though, they were a sickly yellowy green. As you sat (and calmed down), the lack of sleep began to catch up with you as you allowed your mind to wander back to the dream.

That man was someone important, his face was far too detailed for it to be made up. Maybe it was a flashback?

"Mornin' soldier, how'd you sleep?" The Colonel greeted as he seated himself beside you.

"Not great." You answered honestly, "but I'm okay now."

You didn't particularly want to discuss it, so you scolded yourself for actually saying what you meant. You wasted no time in tucking in, hoping to end that discussion there.

Quaritch frowned as he reluctantly engaged conversation with the rest of your peers.

Your mind returned to the man in your dreams. If only you could remember where you knew him from.

Then, eureka. He was the man from the Avatar Programme, who was friends with Norm. What was his name? You grimaced as you chewed on your food, staring at the table infront of you.

"You doin' alright there, Y/N?" Lyle asked, comically.

"I'm fine." You replied. You didn't  bother to look at him, in fear of losing your train of thought.

"Alright." He held his palms up before talking with the others once more.

The Colonel turned to you and lowered his voice. "You good, kid? You can tell us if there's something botherin' you." He leaned closer to you, to keep the others from listening in.

You sighed, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm seriously fine.. I just had a bad dream."

"Can't be that fine if you're so stressed about it." He gave a weak chuckle. "What happened?"

You looked to the ground, feeling awkward about telling your boss about your bad dream. Though, you eventually gave in, "I was on the floor somewhere, and this guy was holding my hand. He was begging me not to go. He seemed really familiar, so I'm trying to figure out who it could've been."

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