Chapter 5

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The next few days went by fast. You worked twice as hard in your training in the mornings, sharing coy glances with the Colonel at every opportunity.

Today, you had a meeting with Ardmore. She wanted to make sure you were prepared for whatever else she was planning. Suddenly being called to talk to the general and a bunch of advisors was enough to throw you off course. Luckily, it was only a short meeting.

You stretched your arms as you made your way back to your bunk. When you approached the door, you noticed a slip of yellowed paper pinned to the front. You ripped it off with a questioning look; it read, "Come to the courtyard at sunset. -MQ"

Short but sweet. You giggled and held the paper up to your chest with a glow before heading inside to get ready. You didn't exactly have any 'going out' clothes, they only supplied you with your uniform, some pyjamas, and some (boring) clothes for when you were off-duty.

You picked out a plain grey shirt and denim jeans- the most fancy outfit you owned. You spared no time in rushing outside after you were content with the way you looked. The lighter clothes were a nice change from the bulkier camo you'd gotten used to.

You swung the door open, almost too excitedly, and skipped outside. Ochre hues licked at the deep blue sky as the sun began to set.

You stared up at the sky in awe, before being interrupted by the creak of the door behind you.

"You ready?" The Colonel asked, he was wearing his uniform- not that you expected anything different.

You met his eyes with a laugh. "Of course. Where are we going?"

He walked ahead of you, slightly. "I'll show ya'. Follow me."

You skipped to catch up with his large frame, trying to match his quick pace. Even when he was off the clock, he walked with strength in his steps.

He stopped before fiddling with a lock at one of the gates. Your eyes lit up in pleasant surprise, "are we going outside?" You asked eagerly.

He stifled a chuckle before opening the gate for you. "That's right, rookie."

You didn't hesitate and ran forward, breathing in the fresh air, now surrounded by green. It was beautiful and so full of life. Even just being a few feet into the shrubs, you could hear the pounding heart of the forest and everything that lived inside it.

You brushed the tips of your fingers across the bark of the trees and the leaves of the bushes, feeling their energy. You turned to the man that made this possible, "Thank you. Really."

He made a face of contentment, having watched you interact with your surroundings so zealously. "Don't thank me yet. I haven't even taken you to the main event."

Your ears quirked up, curiously. He noticed and gestured to his side as you followed behind. Since it was getting dark, the grass and shrubs around you tinted a luminous blue glow. You gawked in amazement as you trailed behind the man.

This is why you had come to Pandora, It's beauty that pulled you in. Though, your loyalties were starting to be tested. The man infront of you made you feel.. different. Just talking to him for a moment was enough to make you feel euphoric for the rest of the day.

"Here it is." He spoke, his extended arm leading your gaze to a small pond. It had large lily pads on its surface as fireflies danced in the reflection of the water.

You just stared at the sight. He had outdone himself. He set up a small blanket on the grass, overlooking the pond.

He tried to gauge your expression, starting to doubt himself since you hadn't reacted. "Y/N..? Shit.." He muttered under his breath, placing a hand on your shoulder.

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