Chapter 7

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The squad had gathered in the common room, having stolen chairs and a radio from the science wing. It was loud. Laughter and converse filled the air as they drank.

The room was dark, lit by a couple of light bulbs suspended from the ceiling. There couldn't have been more than thirty of you in the room, yet you could barely see infront of you as you walked.

You were talking with Z and Mansk in the corner when Lyle jumped onto the pool table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?" He yelled, baring his teeth. The room quietened down in amusement, watching his animated movements.

"The time has come for our newest recruit to officially join Deja Blue!" He announced before jumping off the table and walking up to you with a grin. You blushed as the crowd separated and the man stood infront of you.

"M'lady." He spoke, holding his hand out to you, eyes keen.

You rolled your eyes with a soft laugh before taking his hand. He guided you to a long table against the back wall as the crowd cheered. You took a seat with an awkward glance to the sea of recoms that surrounded you.

"Now." He turned to the rest of the squad, infront of the table. "Whose stinky boot should Y/N drink from?" He chortled as the crowd roared.


"The Colonel's!"

You laughed at the idea, standing from your seat and placing your hands on the wood surface. "Don't you dare give me some super stinky boot! Can't I use my own?" You whined, playfully.

"Nope. Them's the rules." He chuckled.

Miles emerged from the crowd, sneering yet somehow unable to take his eyes off of you. You gazed at him with a meek smile as the others passed boots around.

God this was so stupid. Though.. strangely fun?

You suppressed a grin before Lyle shoved a shoe down infront of you. It was huge. If the smell didn't knock you out, the amount of alcohol you were going to drink certainly would. He and a few others began to fill it up, the discarded cans amassing in a pile off to the side.

"And... done!" Ja laughed, pushing the boot toward you with a sickening slosh sound. You gagged as you looked at the liquid. There had to be atleast a few litres in there.

"Now, Y/N. Drink this and you'll be a full fledged soldier." He patted you on the shoulder before giving you space. Everyone watched in anticipation as you contemplated it.

You stood up, holding it by the sides. "Oh, fuck it."

You weren't exactly a good chugger, as half of it spilled down your side. But you were oddly determined. After a few moments of awe, you slammed the boot against the table with a crash.

The crew erupted into shrieks of amusement. Lyle jumped over the table and lifted your arm in the air. "Y/N! Welcome to the team!"

You only grunted in return, feeling as though you were gonna puke.

"Alright, give her some space." Miles cleared a path through the party as the others chatted.

"Y'alright, rookie?" He asked as he bent at the knees to get to your level. His eyes met yours, worry flashing through them. "That's a lot of booze.. even for me." He added.

"My stomach.." you groaned, feeling the effects kicking in already.

He sighed in response. "I know, kid."

He took you by the hand and weaved through the crowd, leaving you in the care of the stoic Mansk, off to the side. "Stay here. I'll get you some water." The Colonel commanded before disappearing out of the room.

You sighed, feeling your senses distort and your cheeks flush.

"You good?" The man asked, analysing you through his shades. He usually didn't partake in this sort of event.

"Better than ever! I'm officially in the team now!" You shouted over the music, voice slightly slurred.

"I remember doing this aswell.. one of the worst days of my life." He grimaced, sipping his drink.

You leaned your back against the wall. "Did Miles do it too?"

The man looked at you with raised brows. "Miles? ... Yeah, back then he wasn't so stern. Loved a party." He sniggered, cup against his lips.

Before you could reply, the man in question returned to the room, cup in hand. "Drink this."

You took it from him, feeling the cool liquid through the plastic. You downed it before facing him again and grabbing his rough hands. "May I have this dance?" You asked, looking up at him through your lashes.

He glanced around the room with a sigh. "Come on!" You tugged, leading him into the dance circle in the middle of the room.

"Hey~ Colonel's come to dance with the rest of us, eh?"

"Show us them moves!"

You immediately matched the energy of the squad, dancing with the others. Though, Miles wasn't as easily persuaded.

As the song changed, you picked up his hands once again, swinging them as you drunkenly danced about the room. He joined you with a sigh, moving rigidly to the music. You giggled at his attempt, before closing the space between you so that you could match his pace.

You noticed his anxious glances to the others and placed your hand on his cheek. "Don't worry about them. Focus on us."

He looked at you before chuckling at your enthusiasm. "Alright, sugar."

He couldn't take his eyes off of you. He loved the way you moved, and the way your lips curled when you looked up at him with big ochre eyes. He was mesmerised.

The two of you danced for a while, caught up in the music, before you decided to get more drinks. Though, your choices were very limited.

Your eyes danced over the large form of the colonel as he poured himself another drink; large shoulders leading to strong arms and those hands.

He noticed your desireous glances, and you raised your cup, "cheers."

He gave a crooked smirk, "cheers, rookie."

You took a swig of the contents before closing the distance between the two of you once more and placing a peck on his cheek. You had marked him as yours with your shimmering lipstick stain, giggling to yourself at the sight. His face contorted and he glanced around the room before facing you once more.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for that." He spoke, not hesitating to wrap his arm around your waist and bring you in to a needy kiss.

You put your arms around his neck for support, feeling your legs get weak and your heart race. The outside world disappeared for those few moments when he held you. You gasped as you separated, hands trailing down his arms.

You looked up at him with giddy laughter, "you don't know how long I've been waiting for that."


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