Chapter 12

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TW: angsty/ kidnapping/ Quaritch being an ass

"You are Toruk Makto!"

You were listening in to the conversation between the leaders of the tribe. You knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but you couldn't help yourself.

Neytiri and Jake were deciding what to do regarding Quaritch. It was only a matter of time before he found Jake and therefore; the village.

"If the people harbour us, they will die!" The man reasoned, his tone desperate. He pleaded with his mate to see reason. He planned to leave the forest, so that the Omaticaya may be safe from Quaritch's persecution.

Your heart was broken. These people had welcomed you so happily, and now they were going to leave.

You thought to yourself, crouching on the rock under your feet. You had to do something.

"That's it." You whispered to yourself before checking on the couple again.

Neytiri sobbed in the man's arms. It seemed they'd come to a general agreement on what their next plan of action was.

You quickly snuck away from the main cave, avoiding the view of any of the villagers.


You wandered through the forest. Luckily, after discarding your stiff clothes you were easily able to run around without restriction and made it back to the old shack in no time.

Your plan was simple: break back into the lab and find the 'Spider' kid. You briefly remembered what he looked like; he had long brown hair and blue battle paint along his chest.

You didn't particularly know where you were going. You traced your path back to where the jet had landed. Luckily, it was a short journey, no longer than five minutes, so you were certain you'd be able to make it on foot.

You wiped the sweat off of your forehead as you perched on a branch. "I could get used to this." You laughed, squinting through the leaves above.

"I should be reaching the place we landed, soon.." you muttered to yourself, scanning your surroundings. It was hard to discern what you'd already seen and what was new, everything looked the same.

You swung to the floor and landed with a quick thud, trying to get a better view of the floor.


You lashed your head to the side in horror. What was that?

You ducked to the floor and took a slow step to the right, trying to distance yourself from the noise. Your ears flicked furiously, trying to find the source.


You heard it again, but this time from directly behind you. You glanced up, rotating your neck so fast it almost snapped.

Your heart stopped beating as the sun no longer shone in your eyes. Above you stood Colonel Quaritch, eyes piercing your own, a look of disgust across his face.

You sat paralysed in fear. Before you could even process the situation you'd gotten yourself in, he gripped your arm and pulled you to your feet. You cried out in pain, his fingers definitely leaving bruises.

"So that's where you ran off to, eh?" He spat. He was furious.

The bushes that circled you rustled as soldiers besieged you. You frantically tried to remove the man's hand, scratching at his skin with your nails.

He grunted in annoyance and spun you around before pinning both your hands to the small of your back. "I'm not lettin' you get away again, doll."

You hissed at him as you tried to knock him away. You kicked at the man's legs. "I hate you! I know what you did!" You screamed, throwing your weight around to knock him away.

You were quickly hushed by his rough grip on your braid, your head quickly tilted up as you winced in pain.

"Wainfleet, cuffs." He demanded, holding his palm out to the man.

You eyed the man as he scurried up to the Colonel. You heard a few clicks and growled, your hands now bound behind your back. "Fuck you! Fuck all of you! What you're doing is wrong!" You cried.

"That's enough. Call it in, Mansk." The Colonel spoke, turning you to face him and bending down to your level. "Don't make this any harder than it needs to be, sweetheart."

You were outraged. How could a man be so evil?

You spat in his face. "I'd rather die."

He gave a dry chuckle, swiping the spit off of his cheek. "You just earnt yourself a day in solitary."

"I don't give a shit! You're kidnapping me, anyways! Asshole.." you muttered, moving to stand by his side instead. His arm rested on your shoulder, grip strong.

You glanced to the other soldiers in disbelief. The other day they were acting like you were the best thing to happen to them, and now.. they didn't even know you.

You bit your lip, nervously. You could hear rapid propellers approaching. You glanced up to the man once more, panic setting in. His gaze was cold and unmoving, was he actually going to force you back to that place?

The aircraft landed, forcing a harsh wind through your hair. Without warning, the Colonel pushed you forward and onto the helicopter.

"No!" You cried, struggling as he forced you onto the vehicle.

"Sit still or I'll beat your ass, rookie. You don't wanna see me angry." He threatened as he pushed you into a seat with his arm.

You snarled at him, "try me."

He chuckled and strapped you down to the seat before sitting next to you.

"Just enjoy the ride.. it'll be worse when you get out."


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