1. The backstory

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"Many people tend to make things seem worse than they really are, because they put all their focus on that one negative thing, sometimes it make them blind from the positive things that might happen right in front of them"


On the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these woman had been pregnant when the day first began.

The eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted as many of the children as possible. He ended up getting eight of them.

Elizabeth Hargreeves is a member of a super dysfunctional family name the Umbrella Academy which is a team of crime-fighters who wears domino mask when they are on missions.

Together with seven other kids all born on the same day, she was adopted by Reginald Hargreeves but he didn't treated them as his children, he treated them like they were lab rats on his little eksperiment cause they had special abilities.

Elizabeth and her siblings called each other by the names they were giving by their robot mother, Grace, but their dad called them by the numbers he gave them.

The numbers the children were assigned determine an unspoken rank, with One being the best and eight the least desirable.

Number One: Luther Hargreeves, Spaceboy, his abilities is super strength. He is kinda like superman, but aim much lower. He is more dumber, plus he is a daddy's boy.

Luther was groomed by his father from an early age to be the leader of The Umbrella Academy, a responsibility that has always weighed heavily on him. He is resilient, a workaholic and possesses the ability of heightened physical strength. Upstanding to a fault, Luther always tries to do the right thing, even if that means putting others before himself.

Luther was very close with Allison when they were kids, just like Elizabeth and Five was very closed.

Luther always did everything their dad Reginald Hargreeves said, because he wanted to be a good child, 'cause he wanted their dad to be proud of him, but the others think that it was a waste of time, because their dad never showed any respect to them.

Elizabeth are not closed with Luther, she think that he is so annoying over the way he act.

Number Two: Diego Hargreeves, The Kraken. He has the abilities to curve anything he throw but he most used knives which was why he always carried around knives.

After not passing the police academy he decided to fight crime in the dark while wearing a black mask and black clothes.

Diego is a skilled, intense vigilante who has a real problem with authority. He isn't as naturally strong or smart as his siblings, so he's worked three times as hard for everything. Believing he should have been the leader of his family instead of his brother, Luther, he carries a massive chip on his shoulder that makes him hostile to just about everyone.

He is a rebellious, impulsive and brash individual with a tendency to show off.

However beneath his confident, cocky behavior, lies a deeply insecure individual who desperately wants to prove himself. He is the most emotional of the siblings and is quick to act on these emotions without thinking.

Elizabeth is very closed with Diego and she would often help him with his homework or help him with his stuttering.

Number Three: Allison Hargreeves, The Rumor. She has the ability to rumor anyone to do anything, with the mere sentence, "I heard a rumor," which she follows with an order or a suggestion which the person has to carry out.

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