35. The battle

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"There's a hero in every one of us"

"There's a hero in every one of us"

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"Luther, you all right?" Five asked as him and Hope ran over to Luther who was growling before he lifted his head off the floor.

"Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue" he said "Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn't be talking, you big moron. Come on, on your feet" Five said as the two helped him stand up.

He stumbled a bit backwards, grabbing Five's shoulder to support himself "Hey, what the hell happened. What was that?" he asked "She must've redirected Vanya's energy wave" Five said "Yeah, I know, but how?" Luther asked.

Then suddenly some bricks started falling down from the broken roof causing Five to look up to see the bricks and his eyes widened "Luther and Hope, watch out!" he shouted before he pushed both his daughter and Luther aside as the bricks tumbled down on Five, burying him.

Luther stumble backwards almost tripping over a piece of the broken roof "Five" he shouted "DAD!" Hope shouted as they rushed over to the pile of bricks "Five" he shouted "Dad" Hope shouted as the two bent down to the pile of bricks before they started removing the bricks.

But then there was a zap sound and the two looked up to see Lila letting out a chuckled at the sight.

"What are you?" Luther asked her as he stood up "Someone who wants to kill your brother and your little niece" Lila said as she slowly walked towards Luther.

"Well, that's understandable. Diego can be a lot to handle" Luther said as Lila walked over to him.

"Yeah, I was talking about Five" she said as she stopped in front of Luther before looking around the room.

"Him, too. But, unfortunately, they're family, so you're shit out of luck. And also if you want Hope, you have to get through me first and I'm not gonna down that easy, I will protect Hope with my life cause she is my niece, my family" Luther said before he threw a fist towards Lila but she put her hand out, grabbing the fist before it could hit her face.

Luther let out a grunt and a groan as the sound of leather glove creaking was heard.

"How is this possible?" Luther asked, trying to push the fist towards her but she was holding it back with the same strength, "Gotta believe in yourself, big boy" Lila said before she threw Luther out of the house "UNCEL LUTHER" Hope shouted before she looked at Lila and Lila grabbed Hope before she threw her out of the house.


After Lila had fought Allison she walked through the house again and over to Hope who just got up.

"Listen Hope, you are a good kid, so what do you say by joining us, you can be with Peter" she said as Hope got to her feet "I will never join you" she said "Alright, then you have chosen death" Lila said "Alright, let's do this" Hope said.

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