28. A light supper

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"Love yourself, no matter what you look like"

"Love yourself, no matter what you look like"

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The elevator dings and as soon as the door opened, Five, Hope, Ellie and Vanya were the first to rushed out and Allison followed after them, still covering her nose.

"Nasty" Five said, shaking his head and Ellie removed her hands from her and Five's nose "Thanks Love" he said "Anytime" she said "That was disgusting" Aaron said.

"I'm choking" Allison said "None of that" Klaus said as he, Diego and Luther walked out of the elevator and they could hear island music play softly over the speakers.

When they walked out they saw the room they entered was huge. The walls was decorated and there was four tables, one of them in the middle of the room.

Five bend down and Aaron jumped down from his back "Okay, you guys stay over there" Five said and pointed on a table that was over by a wall "Alright" Hope said before the two walked over to the table and sat down.

"All right, when Dad gets here, I'll do the talking, okay?" Five said as they all walked over to the table in the middle of the room.

"I got a few questions for him myself" Diego said as Allison stopped next to table that was standing off to the side before she took off her cardigan.

"Hey, we don't wanna scare him off. He might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home" Five said as Diego, Vanya and Luther walked around the table while Allison stayed back at the table she had stopped at as Klaus was getting a drink from the bar while Ellie walked over to stand next to Five.

"No Five, we need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president" Diego said "This is a matter of life and death, you imbecile" Five said "Okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking. Yeah?" Vanya said before she picked up a shell from a table that was standing on the side. "Here, whoever has got this conch shell gets to talk" she said "Vanya, we don't have time for a debate, okay?" Five said "Maybe I should lead" Allison said as she grabbed the shell from Vanya "We all know I'm better public speaker than the rest of you" she said.

"Okay, Daddy's girl" Diego said "Oh, jealous, Number Two?" Allison asked "Hey, no more numbers. No more bullshit. We're Team Zero. We're all Team Zero" Diego said.

"Uh, Diego. We don't have a conch" Luther said and Diego put his finger up, nodding and he smiled fakely at Luther before he grabbed the shell from Allison and turned around, throwing it at a wall causing it to shatter "Classic" Allison said.

Then suddenly the door behind Ellie, Five and Diego opened causing everyone to look at the door to see Reginald enter the room quickly with a notebook in his hand.

Reginald glanced at Ellie as he walked past Five to the other side of the table.

"That's Granddad?" Aaron asked "Yep, that's Granddad" Hope said as Aaron and Hope looked at Reginald and he looked at them while wondering who the kids were and what they were doing here.

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