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"Don't let fear stop you from doing the things you love"

"Don't let fear stop you from doing the things you love"

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Flachback starts...

Two years ago.

Aaron was chasing after Hope "Give it back, Hope" Aaron said while Hope just laughed "Guys, share please" Ellie said as Delores was sitting next to her "Yeah, kids right" she said.

"I'm back" Five said "Hey" Ellie said with a smile before Five gave her a quick kiss.

"Do you remember that, uh, little mansion just outside the city limits. Where we--" he asked as he gave Ellie a cup of water in a silver goblet.

Ellie nodded her head in respons as she took the drink "Yeah, I remember" she said and he let out a chuckled "Yeah, well, it turns out the wine cellar was untouched" he said "Was it?" she asked and he nodded "Yeah, I picked up a few cases of your and Delores' favorite Bordeaux" he said with a smile "Thank you honey. We can take a glass when the kids are asleep" she said "Yeah, having some alone time will be nice. Delores wouldn't mind watching them" he said before he looked over at Delores "Would you?" he asked and Ellie smiled "Thank you Delores" she said and Five took a sip of the cup.

"That's an exaggeration. I don't drink too much" Five said to Delores "You know, I work hard all day. I--" he said.

"Mom, dad!" Hope and Aaron suddenly shouted which cause Ellie and Five to turn to see their kids coming running towards them, a little terrified.

"What is it kids?" Ellie asked and the kids pointed behind them and Ellie and Five saw a woman with white hair, she was wearing a black dress, a gold bracelet, a little black hat, she had sunglasses on and was holding a black briefcase. 

"Cute kids" the woman said with a smile and both Ellie and Five push the kids behind them before Five grabbed his rifle and pointed it on the woman who just waved at them while smiling. 

Flashback ends...

When Five woke up he saw Luther sitting in front of him on a chair.

"Where is my kids?" Five asked as he scanned the room nervously "They are sleeping behind you" Luther said and Five turned around to see Hope and Aaron laying on the bed both asleep peacefully which cause him to breath out in relief.

"Thank God" he said before he stroke his hand down down the side of Hope's head before he did the same with Aaron.

Five didn't knew what he would do if he ever lost his kids, they were the only things he had left from Ellie. They were his kids, his blood, he would do anything to protect them, he would kill for them if they got hurt.

"You really love them" Luther said as he saw how Five was acting with the kids "Of course I love them, they are my kids. If I hadn't had them, I don't think I would still be here after Ellie died. Ellie and the kids were my rocks and now with Ellie gone, they are the only one that kept me going, kept me from losing hope" Five said.

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