4. Travel to 2019

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"Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you"

"Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you"

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A 15-year-old girl with blue eyes, freckles and long red hair was walking fast up some stairs.

An seven-year-old boy with short light brown hair and brown eyes was holding the girl's left hand as he was walking beside her. 

The girl walked up to the steps that lead to an apartment door before she opened the door to the apartment.

The girl closed the door behind them before going to a bedroom.

"Dad" she said as she closed the door and Five turned around to see his two kids.

"Hope, Aaron. Good you are here" he said "What is it?" Hope asked "You two are leaving this place" Five said as he was walking back and forth in the room, like he was in a hurry. 

"What? Why?" Hope asked "Because it was never our plan to be here in the first place. I can't let you guys stay here for a second longer" he said "But I have my first training tomorrow" Hope said "Exactly. I can't let that place turn you two into the same kind of people they turn me into" he said before he looked at them.

"Beside I found a way back to 2019" he said "What about you?" Hope asked "I'm not going with you" he replied "What? No dad, we are staying with you" she said as the two took a few steps closer to him "I'm going on a mission" he said "Then we are coming with you" Hope said "No" Five said as he put his hands on her shoulders before he bend down to he was in eye level with them.

"I have plan, okay. I'm going on my mission and then I break my contract and will opened a portal. I can't take you with me cause it can be dangerous" he said before he handed Aaron his little kid-backpack "You are not going to leave us, are you?" Hope asked "No. Never. But we need to be apart for a little while" he said before he looked at his daughter "Please, Hope. I have a plan. So I need you to listen to me" he said and Hope took a deep breath "Alright, what do you want me to?" she asked "That's my girl" he said before he walked over to the bed and pulled out a briefcase from under the bed.

"What is the plan?" Hope asked "You two are going to use this briefcase to 2019" he said as he walked over to them "What about you?" she asked "I will be fine, you two are the only ones I have left and you are the most important people in my life. Therefore you kids will always be my first priority. I promised your mom to take care of you, and that's what I'm doing" he said before he gave the briefcase to Hope "Take this. I have set the time and place on it already. You just have to activate it. And it will take you to that place and time" he said "And then what?" she asked "As soon as you guys arrive, destroy the briefcase" he said before he pulled out a piece of paper "And then go to this address and wait for me there" he said as he gave the piece of paper to Hope.

"Don't talk to anyone and don't trust anyone" he said and she nodded "Look after your brother, okay?" he asked "I will" she said "Good" he said before he looked at the little boy as a tear felled down from his eye "Don't be sad, Aaron" Five said as he wipe the tear away with his thumb "It's only for a little while" he said and Aaron did some sign language.

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