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Chapter 32// Search Party

Flora's been missing for twelve hours.

Alex hadn't been home since he got off the phone with her mother. He went out to search for her the second they ended the call and he's been looking ever since. He's searched bus stations, train stations, airports, their favorite diner, her favorite café, the school, parks, and just about everywhere else Flora might be.

The police said they had to wait forty-eight hours before they could officially declare her a missing person and launch a search party. In case — as they so eloquently put it — it was just another teenage run-away.

Alex couldn't wait forty-eight hours. He needed to find her now.

No, he needed to find her yesterday.

Alex desperately tried not to imagine the fear Flora was experiencing right now. He knew in his gut that something bad had happened. He also knew in these situations people are supposed to remain hopeful, think positively and all that bullshit, but it's been twelve hours since she disappeared. It's been twelve hours since she last spoke to her mother. It's been twelve hours since she ran crying out of his apartment. It's been twelve hours of utter hell for Alex.

His phone rang and pulled him from his thoughts.

It was Flora's mother and Alex didn't hesitate to answer.

"I just got back from the police station." Alex could hear her take a deep breath, desperately attempting to compose herself and steady her voice.

"It's not good, Alex," Flora's mother tried to speak through her sobs, "they found her car abandoned somewhere off the highway."

Alex's heart sank to his stomach. No — it sank through the earth into the deepest pit possible. He felt nauseous.

"Abandoned?" Alex repeated the word aloud incredulously, more so to himself than to her mother.

It was them.

Alex knew it was them. It was his past coming back to haunt him — to torture him.

He thought she might have run off because of what happened between them last night, but Flora would never run away. She would never abandon her vehicle. She would never leave home without so much as a goodbye to her mother, to her best friend, to Alex.

No, it was them, and Alex knew it.

"Someone reported it. The police said it was unlocked and her keys were still in the ignition. Alex..." her words trailed off as she attempted to swallow back her tears, "I'm scared."

Alex pinched the bridge of his nose, a desperate attempt to fight off his own sobs that threatened to spill out at any moment.

"I am, too," he admitted earnestly. Perhaps even more afraid than her mother, because Alex knew what it meant if they had her.

"I don't know what to do. I'm calling everyone I know. Brad and I have been out searching all night, what if..." she couldn't bring herself to finish that thought. It was as if speaking it aloud could possibly make it come true.

"We can't think like that," Alex finished for her.

Even though Alex believed speaking positively in these situations was bullshit, he knew that's what she needed to hear right now, and he hoped he could convince himself of that too.

"She's going to be okay, I promise. She's smart and she's strong. I won't stop looking until I find her and bring her home."

Alex could hear Flora's mother weeping on the other end of the call. He was almost relieved it was over the phone because he wouldn't be able to contain his own emotions if he had to see her like that. Flora bore a uncanny resemblance to her mother, and it would break Alex's heart into a million pieces to watch her weep over her baby girl.

"I'll let you know if we hear any updates... and Alex?"

"Yeah?" Flora's mother could hear the exhaustion in his voice. He hadn't eaten. He hadn't slept. He hadn't stopped thinking about her daughter for a split second.

"I'm happy she met you."

She ended the call, and Alex wondered if she'd still feel that way if she knew what he did to Flora the last time he saw her. He wondered if she'd still feel that way if she knew why Flora might be missing, if she knew anything about Alex's past.

Alex sat in his car, staring out at the road ahead, deciding where to go next. He was at a dead-end. He searched every possible place she would run off to, and it was becoming abundantly clear to Alex that Flora didn't run away. She was taken.

The frustration, the anger, the agony, and the worry finally got the better of him. He beat his fists against the steering wheel.

He beat it again.

And again.

And again.

He beat his fists against the wheel so many times he was surprised it didn't break.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuucccckkkkkk!" Alex screamed until his voice grew hoarse, slamming his fist against the dashboard with every syllable.

He cried. He sobbed. He wept.

"I'm so sorry, flower," Alex whispered as his tears streamed down his face, "I'm so sorry."

Alex's phone rang again once more. He pulled himself together and answered the call.

"Alex? It's Melanie, Flo's best friend. I know we don't know each other well, but I think something bad happened to her and I don't know who else to call."

Alex could tell by the way her words quivered that she was close to breaking down.

He stayed silent, not trusting his own voice.

"I haven't told her mom yet, but last night after what happened between you two...." Melanie's words trailed off for a moment from the awkwardness of mentioning that situation.

"...She called me on her way home, but before she hung up the phone, she said she thought a car had been following her from your apartment."

Alex sat dumbfounded. He already suspected this was his past coming to get him, but Melanie just confirmed his worst fear. What if he went after her last night? What if he followed her home to apologize? What if he never let her leave? She would be home and she would be safe.

"Text me where you are, I'll come pick you up." Alex wasn't necessarily in the mood for company, but he also knew Melanie needed someone right now, and frankly, so did he.

Melanie sent Alex her address and he drove over, preparing for another night of searching. Only this time, he knew who was responsible for Flora's disappearance and he was determined to find them. And when he did, he would make them wish they never took Flora from him.

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