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Chapter Thirteen// Safety

Alex was kicking himself, metaphorically speaking, of course. He wouldn't dare wake Flora. She looked so angelic, so peaceful. Her features were soft and delicate. Alex studied each freckle scattered atop her cheeks and the way the air escaped her plump, kissable lips. Her honey-coloured hair was golden under the ray of sunshine seeping in through the window, and Alex could only begin to imagine the light hazel her eyes would be in this light. She was beautifully breathtaking.

The reason Alex was kicking himself was because she showed up at his doorstep, wanting nothing more than a hug, a smile, and affection... not the kind of affection most girls showed up at his doorstep for.

It wasn't like that with Flora. Hell, they hadn't even had sex yet— a fact that Alex was painfully well aware of. Emotional feelings were developing before the physical ones, and that terrified Alex.

Flora stirred a bit in her sleep, her eyes fluttered open, but fell closed once again. Alex let out of a sigh of relief. He wasn't necessarily ready for whatever conversation needed to be had. Last night he held Flora. He held her in his arms and let their mingled and synchronous breathing do the talking. Nothing needed to be said, they both knew that holding one another felt, well, it felt right.

But Alex just couldn't sleep last night, and surprisingly, it wasn't because of how beautiful Flora looked in his t-shirt, or how the thin fabric fell just below her hips as she snuggled up closely to his warm body.

He couldn't sleep because Flora's presence was bothering him— and not in a I-wish-she-wasn't-here type of way, but in a I-wish-I-deserved-her-to-be-here kind of way.

Alex had to let her go, he knew it was for the best— but for him? for her?— he wasn't exactly sure. What he was sure of, though, was that he was trouble. Alexander Steele was heartbreaker who would never be deserving of someone like her. The diner was only proof of that.

"What are you thinking about so early in the morning?"

Alex couldn't help but mirror the grin that was plastered across Flora's sleepy face. His hand instinctively tucked a fallen strand of hair behind her ear, longingly and lovingly. Two 'L' words Alex was not fond of.

"It's nothing," Alex quickly dismissed. Flora bit back a sigh. She knew she couldn't just expect Alex to spill his guts to her. He was a private person, a closed book, and while Flora wished he be slightly less complicated at times, she also knew that was part of his charm, a part of him.

Flora spun around to lay on her stomach, perching herself up on her elbows as she studied Alex. His bare shoulders and arms were oh-so muscular. She could tell he worked out, and by the definition of the abdominal muscles in his torso, he did so quite often.

His eyes were a shade of blue Flora had never seen before, like an ocean blue, but at its deepest, darkest depths. His skin was like a golden-bronze, and it was flawless— not a zit, mole, or even freckle on his face. His jaw was sharp and defined. His hair was dark, almost black, and sat messily atop his head in the early morning hours. He was gorgeous. Even Flora grew jealous of his appearance the longer she studied his features. It was as though he was sculpted with the specific intent of him becoming a model, or for some other beautiful purpose.

"You really do have a staring problem, flower," he teased— only half joking.

Flora felt her cheeks grow hot. Even after all they've done, she still felt giddy under his intense glare.

"You never told me before..." Flora began, her small finger delicately tracing along Alex's skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

"...what they mean," she finished, her finger circling around a larger triangular-shaped symbol drawn onto his chest.

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