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Chapter fourteen// Take it All

"Guess who?" Flora stood gleefully behind Alex, perched on her tip-toes, yet still barely able to wrap her small hands around his eyes. Rather, her hands fell on either side of his cheek.

"Well, there's only one person I would allow to do this to me in public," Alex's tone was playful, but Flora knew he truly meant his words.

"It's me," Flora squealed, as Alex spun around to face her.

"I know, baby girl." Alex towered above her, smirking down at her shorter frame. Flora's stomach did summersaults at the sweet nicknames he would call her. She never realized how affected one could be simply by pet names.

"You didn't show up to class today," Flora mumbled, a pout forming on her cherry-glossed lips. Flora knew Alex was a care-free spirit; she only wished he would put a little more care into his studies. Admittedly, school wasn't for everyone— but Alex was bright, and although he would never admit it, Flora caught him mindlessly scribbling math equations onto his notebook in class last week.

Flora huffed, blowing the stray, fly-away strands of hair out of her eyes. Alex grinned at her cute gesture, placing his large hands softly on either side of her face.

"Let me make it up to, Princess. I'll take you home, okay?" While Flora wanted to lecture Alex on his potential, she also wasn't in the mood for the twenty minute walk home. Not to mention, the smoothness of his husky voice always made her melt inside.

She nodded, her pout forming into a coy smile.

It had been one week since Flora showed up at his doorstep, one week since he opened up to her— or to anyone, for that matter— and one week of consistency. No moodiness, no arguing, and no tension.

Well, maybe some tension...

... but the good kind.

"That's my girl," Alex smirked triumphantly, grabbing ahold of Flora's hand and guiding her towards his car. A few passing students gave them odd glares. Sweet and quiet Flora was the last person they'd expected to see walk hand-in-hand with the school's aloof bad boy. While Flora may have been oblivious to the looks, each and every glare was met with Alex's hard don't-test-me eyes— and nobody even dared to challenge him.

"Alex," Flora began meekly, to which Alex hummed in response.

"I know you were joking earlier about making it up to me, but there is one way."

Alex smirked— a dozen ideas of how to pleasure her ran through his mind.

"Oh really?" Alex raised a brow at Flora's sudden forwardness. He had always been the one to initiate anything sexual between the two of them. Flora was a virgin, and likewise, she was a virgin to most... things. So Alex was trying to take things slow and not overwhelm her— yet anyways. He didn't want to rush into anything, like he had with every other girl he's ever been with. He cared about her.

"Yeah." Flora bit her lip innocently, her hand falling atop his knee, causing his breath to hitch in his throat.

"H-how's that?" Alex choked out— mentally slapping himself for stuttering. He was never this nervous around women.

"Well," Flora began, running her finger up and down his thigh— dangerously nearing his crotch.

"You can go to class more."

Flora giggled uncontrollably at the look of disappointment written across his face. He looked like a little kid pouting in the supermarket after being told he couldn't get his favourite candy.

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