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Chapter 37// Healing

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in Flora's bedroom. She stretched her limbs, feeling a sense of renewed energy coursing through her. It had been weeks since Alex had rescued her from the clutches of those who sought to harm him, and she was slowly but surely recovering from the ordeal. Flora had been attending regular therapy sessions, and even visited Melanie a few times.

While her nightmares had finally started to fade, a lingering sadness and trauma still clung to her like a shadow. But today, Alex had a surprise planned—a day to create new memories, to help Flora put the past behind her and look forward to a future. Their future. Together.

Flora convinced her mom to homeschool her for the rest of the semester. The school allowed her to transfer in the middle of the year due to her "special" circumstances.

Although, Flora didn't feel very special.

But this morning, she felt a little closer to it.

As she entered the kitchen, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Alex stood by the counter, grey sweatpants hung loosely around his hips, his chest bare, his dark hair tousled, a smile playing on his lips as he turned to greet her.

Her mother had let Alex stay most nights since the accident? She really wasn't sure what to call it. But Flora needed him, he was a calming presence that grounded her, and her mother recognized that. She also felt guilty for introducing Brad into Flora's life in the first place. So, letting Alex stay there was her way of an apology.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, his voice warm and filled with tenderness.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled the much shorter girl into his chest. "I have something special planned for you today," he smiled in child-like way that made Flora's heart melt.

"Oh yeah?" She quipped. "What is it?"

Alex smirked, pressing his lips to her forehead. "If I tell you, then it's not a surprise."

Flora loved how touchy Alex became since the night she lost her virginity to him. It was just what he needed to break through his fear of hurting her. And now, he couldn't keep his hands off her. It was like old times again, and Flora was grateful for that bit of normalcy.

Flora's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "But I wanna know," she whined, her voice laced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

"Nope," Alex smirked. "Now go get ready." Alex spun her around and tapped her backside. "I'll bring breakfast to your room."

Flora grinned. She was the happiest she had been in a while. Alex was right, he told her it would get better, he told her he would always be there for her, and it did, and he has been.

She trusted Alex implicitly and knew he would do whatever it took to make her feel safe and loved. Without him, she feared she wouldn't have ever worked through what happened to her.


Alex planned an entire day of all the things Flora once loved. Starting with shopping in the market.

Hand in hand, they ventured into the town, their fingers interlaced as they strolled down the market.

The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from the local bakery, and the sounds of laughter filled the air. Flora marveled at the vibrant colors of the flowers adorning the market stalls, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.

She never thought she would know happiness again, but there she was, strolling the market with a boyfriend who loved her more than life itself. Despite everything that happened to her, she felt lucky.

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