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Chapter 38// Birthday Punches

Today was Alex's birthday.

Flora sent him out with a laundry list of things to do. And right now, he ventured through the dimly lit streets to run the errands Flora had assigned to him. He knew she was just trying to keep him busy and away from the apartment, probably because she was planning a surprise for him. He didn't let on that he knew, though. If it made her happy, he'd pretend to be surprised.

Alex never really celebrated his birthday, at least not since his mother died. Flora promised him a low-key celebration, because the last thing he wanted tonight was a party. And he was praying that it would just be the two of them. They had been doing much better, and the thought alone put a goofy smile on his face.

He collected the last of what he needed at the store. He laughed when he read "candles" on Flora's list. Very sly, Flower.

But as fate would have it, just when he thought he could escape the shadows of his past, and enjoy an uneventful birthday with his girlfriend, a familiar face emerged from the darkness.

It was Jake, the guy who had once betrayed his friendship with Flora by taking advantage of her. The sight of him sent a bitter chill down Alex's spine, stirring up the dormant anger he never got to take out on Jake.

He kissed her when he knew Flora was in a relationship. He kissed her when she was vulnerable. He kissed her knowing she'd be too scared to tell Alex what happened. The thoughts made his blood boil. Jake wore a smirk that dripped with disdain, and it made Alex clench his fists to refrain from doing something he might regret.

"What's the matter, Alex? Still upset about me and your girl?" Jake's words were cruel, a deliberate provocation that sliced through the air like a knife. And his voice was smug. Too smug.

Alex roughly grabbed Jake by his collar. "Fuck you," he spat. "Say her name one more time and I'll break both of your fucking knee caps."

"Oh, come on," Jake laughed, seemingly unfazed by Alex's threat. But Alex could smell the booze from his breath and recognized the dilated pupils. He was on something.

"I saw the news. Heard Flora was with another guy. There seems to be a pattern—"

Without a word, Alex's fist propelled forward, connecting with Jake's jaw.

He tried to contain his rage, but it was too much. Jake put his hands on Flora knowing she was in a relationship with Alex. And now, he had the audacity to mention her kidnapping? And above all, to insinuate it was her fault. That she just went around kissing other guys, when Jake knew he kissed her without her consent. No, Alex wouldn't have it.

That punch was a long time coming.

The impact of his fist silenced Jake's taunting voice as he crumpled to the ground, his arrogance shattered.

Alex walked away, leaving Jake behind in a state of unconsciousness, the echoes of their altercation still resonating in his mind. He couldn't forget the pain Jake had caused, but he couldn't allow it to taint the evening Flora was planning at home.

As he entered his apartment, he could hear soft music playing, accompanied by the flickering glow of candlelight that danced upon the walls. He could smell something cooking, like garlic. Pasta, maybe? He mentioned once before that spaghetti and garlic bread was his favorite meal, and knowing Flora, she probably remembered and made it just for him.

Flora heard the front door and peered her head out of the kitchen, a radiant smile adorning her delicate features. "Happy birthday, baby," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of her affection.

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