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Chapter Eight// Home

His fists were sore— or at least they should have been. But as his fist swung and connected time and time again with the now bloodied face beneath him, Alex barely felt the split in his knuckles.

Flora stood in the bathroom doorway, her hands playing anxiously with the hem of her skirt— the skirt that made his breath hitch in his throat.

But now, as she stood anxiously and fearful in the hall, Alex grew even angrier at the boy pinned beneath him.

A crowd had formed around the scene, party-goers eager to see who was involved in the bloody fist fight.

"Stop!" A soft voice shouted over the loud crowd, and even louder music.

Alex almost missed it— it was so soft. But he'd recognize it even in the loudest of rooms.

He immediately halted, glancing over his shoulder at her shy frame.

Her grabbed the boy by the collar, bringing his bloodied face up to his ear and muttering something threatening, no doubt, before roughly shoving him back onto the ground.

Alex stood up, nearly stomping his feet towards Flora.

"We're leaving," he spoke demandingly, grabbing ahold of her hand, and protectively guiding her through the crowd of onlookers.

"Alex!" Flora shouted, as he practically dragged the much shorter girl behind him, her legs unable to meet his long strides.

He just wanted to get out of there— it was suffocating— and he was starting to feel the sting in his cut knuckles. Not to mention, he was livid. He swore he could've killed that guy.


"What!" He snapped, finally turning to face her.

Flora retreated, her gaze averted his, and her mouth formed a heartbreaking frown. Alex could punch himself right about now, too

"I'm sorry," Alex began, his voice as soft as he could muster in his state of anger.

"I was just...angry." That was an understatement, he thought to himself.

Yet Flora's face remained solemn.

"Not at you," he reassured, hoping a smile would grace her beautiful, lightly-freckled face.

"I was angry at that asshole. I promise I'm not angry at you."

That seemed to appease Flora. She gave him a small smile and he swore he felt his chest constrict. What was happening to him? He wasn't soft and he definitely wasn't one to get attached.

So what was it about her?

"Thanks," She muttered lowly.

Alex smiled in response and it was the first time Flora ever saw him smile— actually smile— not just his usual panty-dropping smirk, but a genuine smile.

"Come on," Alex said, not liking the growing intimacy between them.

"Let's go."

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