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Chapter Six// Missing

He stole my panties, Flora thought angrily.

And her favourite pair at that.

Flora was a hot mess— both physically and mentally.

She could barely concentrate on anything. Class, her studies, homework, college applications, it all became a giant blur.

Her focus was totally and completely on Alex.

What had she done?

Part of her felt guilty, she let a man, whom she only met a few days ago, give her a mind-blowing orgasm in a classroom, and on a teacher's desk...

It didn't even sound like her.

But the other part of her felt liberated. He made her feel amazing— in more ways than one. And now, all she could think about was getting on her knees for him, or having his head between her legs again, or

"There you are!" Melanie sang from across the hallway.

Flora grew nervous. She wanted nothing more than to tell Melanie all about what had happened in detention, but she knew a crowded hallway was the last place she could spill her secret to a very loud Melanie.

"I'm so mad at you," Melanie said seriously, her lips forming a pout.

"I'm sorry?" Flora was both confused and worried.

"You should be! You promised you'd call me last night."

Flora exhaled a massive sigh of relief. She hadn't found out.

"I'm sorry, Mel. I was so tired when I got home I just passed out," She wasn't totally lying. Alex really took the energy out of her.

"Okay, I'll forgive you, and I know how you can make it up to me!" Melanie batted her eyelashes suggestively. Flora began to think she was never really mad in the first place.

"I told you, I'm not going to that stupid party—"

"No, not the party— but we'll talk about that later. You're coming to the football game with me tonight."


Flora wasn't one for sports, least of all contact sports. Nor did she have much 'school spirit.'

"I don't think so, Mel. I have lots of—"

"No more excuses. You're going and that's final." Melanie shot Flora her motherly glare and she knew better than to protest.

"Fine," she sighed, "I'll go."

Maybe it would be good, Flora thought. A much needed break from her filthy thoughts.

~ ~ ~

Flora sat on the bleachers next to Melanie who eagerly cheered on the football players. Flora doubted if Melanie even knew who she was cheering for.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Flora yelled over the noisy crowd. She felt like she was drowning in the cheers.

Melanie nodded her head dismissively, paying little attention to Flora, and a whole lot of attention to the school's quarterback.

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