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Chapter Three// Ride

Flora walked towards the school, wrapping her pastel blue cardigan tighter around her body, as the fall breeze grew cooler with each passing day.

She huffed, tugging at the hem of her plaid skirt, and wishing she chose some warmer attire. She especially wished that she hadn't spent an hour in front of her mirror this morning purposely choosing an outfit that Alex might notice.

He brought out a strange side of her— one even she hadn't thought existed

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He brought out a strange side of her— one even she hadn't thought existed.

She spotted Alex with his back pressed against a row of lockers, a hurdle of girls were twisting their hair and laughing obnoxiously around him.

Flora felt a pang of jealousy in her chest. It's not like he's been friendly or welcoming to her in the slightest, but there's something about him that gave her butterflies.

She couldn't quite place it, but he intrigued her.

His gaze caught Flora's and he held it intensely.

God, she needed to stop staring.

He was going to get the wrong idea.

Flora quickly averted her eyes, staring down at her shuffling feet instead, as she quickly paced towards her first period class.

She wished she had the confidence like Mel to walk right up to him, hoard of girls and all, and— and do what exactly?

That was her problem, she didn't know the first thing about flirting. Besides, it wasn't like she wanted to flirt anyways. Surely he's the type of guy that just looks at a girl and her panties are off. He's experienced, no doubt. And, well, Flora was anything but.

"Earth to Flora," Melanie said, waving her hand in front of Flora's face.

"Mhmm," Flora hummed disinterestedly.

"I said I have detention again today, but it's the last lunch I promise."

Flora groaned at the thought of another lonesome lunch. Although, she couldn't quite call yesterday's lunch lonesome.

"It's alright, I'll see you after." Flora bid farewell to Melanie and headed towards her first class: History.

Flora quickly took the farthest seat she could spot. She slipped into the plastic chair and prayed Alex wouldn't notice her.

The bell rang and there was still no sign of Alex. The teacher drawled on about the Mesozoic period and Flora let out a sigh of relief. Truthfully, she was rather disappointed that Alex hadn't showed, but she would never admit it.


Lunch rolled around and Flora stood anxiously with her food in one hand and her book in another.

Once the halls became empty, Flora sauntered to the same spot she had yesterday. The breeze had warmed significantly, the sun was shining, and there was no sign of Alex.

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