Chapter 2 [Edited]

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There's another elements?!


2 days ago

At mysterious place been called a laboratory, or more specific be called as Secret Experiment Alien a.k.a S.E.A, and no one know where it been located even a loud siren can't be heard. However, something or someone actived the siren and it from that laboratory and seem like someone is running from them

“That experiment is run away, we need help for capture him! Don't let him go!" shouted someone who wearing a laboratory coats or be called as scientists through in walkie talkie

In second, a helps come and continue to capture that boy “Oi, stop right there!! " shouted one of them.

The boy do what them command him but he drop something on the floor and there's so many of them..

“ What is this ?" said them. Those things that boy dropped make out the gas, by this chance that boy's body glowing and his clothes changed  color to black "Dark Teleport" mumbles that boy and he been covered by a shadow that appears under his feet......

"Oi, don't run away-" unexpect one of them were been kneeled down before going uncounscious. Those scientists shocked “ Wait it......a dazing gas!!!" shouted one of the scientists. They quickly cover their nose

“ What should we do now ?" asked one of the scientists, who now cover his nose with his clothes. The other one replied “ Heh, don't worry I already putted a device for track that boy"

"But what if he managed to release it?" asked another one as everyone look at him, that's might not be logic but that boy is smart and they just know about him have a power

“......Look like we must tell boss about this. And about that power sphera, give it to her, and make sure she doing her work"








Boboiboy's dream

“So actually there more another elements?" asked Boboiboy to Shanight

Shanight replied “ Yes, we called it Ancient elemental/Hidden elemental " Boboiboy curious and his raised his eyebrows " we......?". Shanight smiled and said “ and other users"

“ Other users? How many of them?" said Boboiboy, want to know more about them

Shanight only replied “Sorry, I can't tell you, my memory is blurring right now and I can't remember them"

Boboiboy only nodded and he sad because not get his answer “Can I say, how are you can be here?"

Shanight only silent and she talk “To be honest I'm actually.....dead", silent  there's no reply and boboiboy's eyes widened in shocked." What...... How are you dead?" said Boboiboy as he mouth gaping and shocked

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