Chapter 13 [Edited]

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Your existense in my life


Before Kiab join those fight,

Reverse and Kiab watching the fight from high place. Reverse who now already revert to himself to go to his own laboratory. Kiab only watch him left and look at down. How she want repair her mistake? It's a sentence always played at her mind when she made Reverse felt like this

She go to Reverse's laboratory and she seen he busy now. He trying to repairing a power spheras that old alien made to them. It's really can't be forgive if only he doing such a thing to this poor power spheras. She always thinking how Reverse can make a power sphera like Scarcebot? And because of that he can have a power for only do that.





At laboratory, a boy wearing his laboratory coat doing his new potion. He been working to them since he wake up. The boss impressived about this boy intelligent and it's truth this Fainant spesies have an intelligent that can't be beat by anyone even an alien, their we're so lucky to have this Fainant

He suddenly stop his work and yawn “It's getting bored. I always do what that alien ordered me to do" mumbles that boy. Kiab enter the laboratory and sees that boy look away from facing her

Kiab knew that boy overheard the talking between her with that alien. But she has her own reason and that boy believed by Kiab's eyes but he felt still been betrayed by his only loved and believed one. Kiab know that boy won't forgive her and she left that boy alone so he can have some more space.

“Look like you need a new thing to learn" said Kiab. That boy look at her dumbfounded. “Follow me"





That boy follow Kiab to scarp site or more specific is the place where they throw a broken and not been use anymore robot here.

“How about we trying make our own robot?" said Kiab to that boy. That boy don't say anything and just rush to that site. Kiab only giggles

For a few minutes, that boy have collected a few part a robot that he claimed it's still good. “ Are you done?" asked Kiab from a far. That boy want to reply but he don't do it because he eyes look at the broken thing look like a robot that look like a round shape thing

It's really caught that boy attention. He grabbed that robot thing and goes to Kiab who just wait him. “ What kind this robot?" asked Kiab

“I don't know but it's really caught my attention" replied that boy and Kiab smile. “Lets go" said Kiab and their go to their own laboratory

That boy put that robot and  few part at his table. He look that broken robot carefully, and doesn't want to broke anypart

‘I think I have look at this robot before. But where..' thought that boy alone. He thinking for a long time as he turn to his arm where there a watch have a triangle shape.

He got this watch from Kiab, she say this watch from his childhood past. She hasn't use it when she about in teenage age because the watch is broken by her reckless. That boy kind a got a attention to the watch and asked Kiab if he can take this watch, which means Kiab allow it. That boy trying to repair this watch also he added a feature but no one know even Kiab herself

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