Chapter 16 [Edited]

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At Tempur-A station medic room, there someone laying on the medic bed. He look very tired as he face is paled a little also he wearing IV for help him to control his breathing

It's been 2 days since he doing that attack which made him to be like this, there someone who sitting at a chair as he reading a books about power sphera, it's our dino hat orange that soon will become brother or maybe not yet, Boboiboy

He get a deserve break to take care Reverse and it can be the same thing with Captain Kaizo, who also have serious injuries. Everything back to normal as that bad aliens been locked up at prison

Back to medic room, Boboiboy still reading for waiting Reverse to wake up, but still the person not give a response to him. Then rest of kokotaim gang, who just finished the mission because they don't given a break, enter in that room, they can see their elemental user friend now still worry about him, another elemental user

"It's been 2 days.........when will he wake up.." mumbles Boboiboy as he glance to the person who lying on the bed. Fang goes to Boboiboy as he place he hand at Boboiboy's shoulder

"Just be patient, okey? Who know he will wake up soon?" said Fang, who also worried like him same with others

" I know, it just.....see him to fight alone and get those injuries......make me..... worried, sad, angry? I ...don't know what to say anymore" said Boboiboy and his friends easily understand what he just said because he the one who always made them like that too, duh

"Now you get it, how worried we are when you got injuries from Captain Vargoba and then you went coma for 5 days" Gopal said as he relieved that he friend know how it's felt like, about someone have reckless and selfless traits

"And yet you two pranked me after I wake up " said Boboiboy with deadpanned as the two boys only smirked and laughing nervously, the girls only shaking their head about their friends idiot behavior

"Hahaha, I....... really want to hear that time" said a cracked voice

Kokotaim gang widened their eyes, it's a voice their want hear after that fight. They turn their head to that voice, they are shocked and happy the one they waiting for is awake


Reverse wake up and sit at the bed as Ying go take some glass of water then she pass it to Fang. Fang take that water and give it to Reverse.

Reverse slurping that water until it completely empty, "fiuh, it's be a long time I-" he not complete his sentence when suddenly Boboiboy hug him

"I thought *hisk* you won't wake up *hisk* after what happened" said Boboiboy as Reverse patting his back

"I'm here and fine too, so don't worry" said Reverse, "Dey, you made us worried about you just like Boboiboy did" said Gopal

Others must admit it Reverse just like Boboiboy, who has a reckless and selfless don't care about himself but others first. Why in the galaxy Reverse must get this personality from Boboiboy?!?! Is he really get this personality from Boboiboy or...... it's naturally from him?

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