Chapter 11 [Edited]

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Plan! Should be work, right...?


In the laboratory, there a woman in laboratory coats with an albino boy doing something. Everything look been planned for.......nothing happen at all-


What is going on?!!!??










3 hours ago

After Kiab getting a Clockbot power, she do her work like nothing happened. Where Reverse and Clockbot?

Reverse send Clockbot back to Tempur-A station, so no one will suspicion, but there a chaos after Clockbot gone. Like someone got kidnapped and the power sphera gone too?! Surely it's not a nice day to an aliens at Tempur-A Station

After send Clockbot, he hide in Kiab's shadow. So when Kiab done her task, Reverse will do his next plan

Back to Kiab, she now make experiment to Scarcebot or should be say a doll? Yes, Reverse switched the real Scarcebot with a fake one using Dark's power. The real one he hide in Boboiboy's room...hope that no one will enter that room

Then someone who shouted earlier come, he look at Kiab work “So how is it?"

"I already look at this power sphera's nothing in there. It look like it doesn't have a power and energy in him anymore"

After heard Kiab said, that guy say “If it not use anymore, just go destroy it"

Kiab heard it flinched and Reverse in the shadow clenching his fist

“ Baik " <Alright>

After that guy go out, the laboratory become black again......know what that is mean?

Reverse come out from shadow. Kiab can see, that Reverse holding anger, if he not doing that his elemental will go out tantrum with himself toward that guy

“So what should we do?" asked Kiab to change the topic to decrease Reverse's anger

“Mmm, just do what we planned. Now it's my turn to the next plan" said Reverse and Kiab nodded

Reverse gone through the shadow and the laboratory become normal again..

‘I hope there is nothing bad will happen' thought Kiab, then she look at the fake Scarcebot, 'How he able to find or made this doll?' as she raised her right eyebrow and sighed










Reverse through the hallway, he about to go the main room. He mission his give a S.O.S ‘code' to TAPOPS and Tempur-A station but he must give those code to kokotaim gang first





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