Chapter 8 [Edited]

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Elemental fighter


At cafeteria, the boys eating their lunch. And they having a conversation about something stupid or whatever is that

"Hei Reverse, i want to ask something" said Gopal suddenly, and Reverse who just chewing his bread turn his head to Gopal

"Okey, what is it?"

" What you do before you came to planet Aby'don?" then can heard a cough by Reverse, because he just shocked when there someone want to know about him more

"Ish, Gopal it's not nice!" scolding Boboiboy to his foodie friend also patting Reverse's back

"Its nothing, Boboiboy. It just......... I ran away from them" said Reverse and other dumbfounded

" I ran away from their place. I'm with my friend trying to escape but he not success" said Reverse as he trying to not let out a tear, as he remember what happened that day

"So...who your friend? Maybe we can help you save him" asked Fang, he can't help but curious who is Reverse's friend before he meet them

"He...not ordinary friend " said Reverse and other raised their eyebrow

"He.......the one who give them, the elemental to me" without hesitant Reverse tell them, the others went shock, which mean really shocked

"W-wait!! You get them from power sphera?!" asked fang, who still shocked


Now they can't loading their mind for this information, this plot twist information. How they want loading it perfectly??!!

"So.....what his name? Maybe we can help you finding and save him when we have chance" said Boboiboy and his two friends nodded

Reverse felt relieved after tell this to them and he happy that they want help him

" Thank you. For his name is........ Scarcebot"

". . . . ."

Trio boys only silent. They never ever heard such a name before. Of course they won't there a thousands or millions power spheras at this galaxy also.......THIS GALAXY IS HUGE!??! HOW THEY WANT TO KNOW WHICH POWER SPHERA THEIR ENCOUNTER??!? BESIDES THEY WILL GET A MISSION TO SAFE RANDOM POWER SPHERA!!?!


( Sorry about this, author have *cough* something *cough* to be settle by *cough*)









After they break a lunch they go to training room again. But their shocked after saw ther fellow friends

"Ehh, Yaya, Ying, ochobot and Clockbot.......what you guys doing here?" asked Boboiboy curious and shocked

"We just awake and commander told us that you will fight Reverse" said Yaya

"How about them?" pointed Gopal to two balls flying like they just get their lost soul

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