Chapter 4 [Edited]

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New teammate


At Tempur-A station's training room

"So you mean those aliens who attacked Boboiboy before, come to planet Aby'don?" asked commander

Yaya, Ying, Gopal and Fang nodded

"You all believe that their come to planet Aby'don to capture that boy and not Clockbot?" Admiral turn who asked, and he pointed to that boy who playing with Clockbot

"Yes, that what Boboiboy told us before" said Fang. "But where his now?" asked commander who not see his cadet

"He in rest now " said Yaya, and fang continue it "It's because of his reckless self to drained his own energy just to called out his elemental"

"Okey if that so, but what we must do to that boy?" asked commander

"What from Boboiboy said, that boy is homeless and it been proved by Clockbot himself. And Clockbot also said that boy have a trauma" said Ying.

"Yeah, that boy only heard and following what Boboiboy said" said Yaya. Those two higher-ups thinking for awhile and Admiral start talking "Lets talk more about that boy, but bring Boboiboy as well we need him to talk to that boy"

Rest of kokotaim gang salute








A few minutes later

At training room, that boy playing with Clockbot, they playing and playing. Suddenly that boy flinched.

"What happened?" asked Clockbot worried

" Nothing...I think they want to know my origin......I'm afraid...." said that boy worried

Clockbot holding that boy hand "You must brave, you even brave when you meet them". That boy smiling after heard that

A door open and showing kokotaim gang, Ochobot and higher-ups. They come closer to that boy but of course not too close to he not feel uncomfortable

" Can we know what you guys doing here?" asked Clockbot

Boboiboy glance to higher-ups and his friends "Can we know, he is your owner?"

Clockbot shaking his head or body? " No, he not my master but my saviour" said Clockbot

" MCan we know how you meet him" asked commander

Clockbot only reply "It's a long story"

" Make it short" said everyone except that boy and Clockbot

Clockbot sweatdropped and start explain it "It's happened when...





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