Chapter 15 [Edited]

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Fight for beloved one


At planet Uny'did, Kaizo and Boboiboy already at their limit of energy. They can't continue this fight. Emlain sees this only laughing like a maniac meanwhile those two looked at him with a narrowed eyes, gritting teeth and annoyed look to him

“Oh I wander.. how the legendary rebel and the boy defeated captain Vargoba can lose to unknown villain like me?" mocking Emlain, as he continue his laughing like a maniac person from hospital again

Suddenly he stopped laughing as he felt a something from behind him. He turn his head and saw a portal.

‘It's that a portal?! But it's not like Ochobot's teleport..' thought Boboiboy. Then someone come out from those portal.......It was Reverse

“Reverse!!" shouted Boboiboy, what on Earth he doing here?! He shouldn't be here!!

“Ah, you come here? Heh, I don't except it from a coward like you experiment B2X2346G1100" said that alien smirked at the albino

“I don't like such kind a name you give me, now you should call me Reverse!!" yelled Reverse as he heard his experiment name again, hope it's be the last one he ever heard in his life, forever

“I will end your cruelty!!" shouted Reverse, “Elemental power Demure" as he transformed to his blood element

Reverse rushed to that alien as gripped his bare hand “ Blood arts: fate punch!!" shouted Demure as he trying to punch that alien face to the ground but unfortunately that alien too fast as he dodged the attack

That alien stanging in few meters from him “that's only thing you can do with that power? Huh pathetic" mocking him again as he dusted his shoulder. Demure gritting his teeth and just rushed to that alien but again he dodged it, again and again

“Heh, you know I grateful you made this potion for me when you still you ‘work' with me" said that alien and Demure gritting his teeth more harden

“ I DON'T EVEN ‘WORK' WITH YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! YOU ONLY USING ME FOR MY INTELLIGENT TO DO SOMETHING THAT I DON'T WANT TO DO!!!" shouted Reverse as there a veins popped up at his face, it's hurt for him to know the real reason he doing that for him in the first place

Boboiboy watching Reverse show a full anger, he never see Reverse angry before, and yet he finally see it infront of his eyes. Surely he angry now at that alien

Boboiboy trying to get up, “ I can't let Reverse fight him alone" said Boboiboy as his watch glowing “Kuasa elemental, Boboiboy Gempa!"





That alien dodged that attack again, meanwhile Reverse sweating and glupped, losed his saliva in his mouth. “What's wrong? You seems scared" mocking that alien again. “Tanah pencengkam" then someone shouted him as that ground trying to capture him but again he dodged it

“Tsk" Gempa gritting his teeth, annoyed. “That only you can do? Huh, you don't deserve to have this power!! Take this!!" yelled that alien as he throw something that making ticking sound

Boboiboy can't respond it quickly and get explode impact “Argh!!".

“Boboiboy!!" shouted Reverse, Kaizo who watching this gritting his teeth and launch himself again to that alien. “Tetakan pedang tenaga!!" yelled Kaizo but again that alien dodged and give him another attack at his stomach then at his chest in seconds

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